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How to talk to my boss about the limited space I have?


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I just started atthis new job about two months ago and so far, I am not too happy with the work. The job duty specifies the break-up of what my job should do but I am only doing one part of it which is repetitious work.


I would be okay with repetitious work knowing that eventually they'll make me take on more responsibilities but what really bothers me is the space I am given. I get about 7 meters of workspace, and my coworker sits by my side (We share one desk). I am not particularly fond of her and I am sure she would say the same thing bout me because she tends to look at my screen or my phone when I am on it (to check my text message I get). She does exactly the same work I do, uses her phone too, but I don't want to assume her problem with me is personal. Maybe she doesn't like that I easily distract her from her work - i dont know. I do know that we both limited space that she is starting to use the floor between us to stack her files because she has no where else to set them. I sit right by the wall and next to her and my file cabinet is between me and her. I feel so restricted in movement and I have papers on my side of the desk and on my keyboard that I get easily flustered.


I want to ask my boss if I can move to an empty cubicle, but do you think since I just got hired, I should ask? Does it look like I am too high maintenance?? Also, my work ethic has always been praised but I noticed that I have not really had that urgency to maximize my output because I get antsy and feel the need to get up and take breaks. What should I do? Deal with it in silence like every other person before me has, or request a new cubicle?


Also I do know that yes a factor could be the coworker next to me but believe me, I am trying my 100% to stay away from girl drama at work.

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Are there empty cubicles?


Seems strange that they would make you share a desk if there was space - unless you are being trained by the desk mate and you are still in the trial period.


If you do choose to speak with your boss then let them know that you are happy to be employed there and you like the work. But that you are concerned that you are not able to work at your full potential because if the cramped space.


Do not make it at all about your desk mate or anything negative at all about her- make it simply about you needing the tools to work to your full potential.


If they don't have the space you will need to be a good sport and a "team player".


There is a risk for repercussions for going to the boss with this so early in the game. So you have to think about how much you want to keep your job, and whether it would be worth it to you to either lose that job or to choose to move on if they don't give you the space you need.

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