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High School Sophomore who needs girl advice


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First off, "hey" to everyone on this forum. Obviously, this is my first post and I'd really appreciate the help.


First off, let me tell you about me. Over the summer I got a lot more confident. I "sorta" broke out of my shell. Generally, I don't get nervous when I talk around people, but of course, there are some exceptions. Right now, I can be described as quiet but confident...and getting better as time goes on. I hope you understand what I'm saying...


Also, I don't mean to brag but a lot of people say that I have a lot of potential and that I just need to talk to girl more often...meaning, I'm pretty good-looking.


LAST year, there was this girl who liked me. I thought she was pretty cute but my friend liked her (and I didn't really like her THAT much). I let my friend try his luck at her but it didn't work out (he was one of my uglier friends...no offense to him...). She KNEW that I knew that she liked me (and I didn't do anything about it). That MIGHT have turned her off.


Anyway, over the summer, this girl got...HOT for some reason. Can't really explain it...she just did. So now I really like her...but I don't know what she thinks of me. Currently, she's going to the dance with this other guy. I don't know if they're BF/GF but I always see them hanging out with eachother. Some people say that they're just going to the dance as friends but there's some obvious tension. To make things MORE complicated, she knows that I like her now.


Like I said, I don't know what she thinks of me. I know that was really long and complicated but could someone please give me advice? I'd REALLY appreciate it. thanks

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Oh and I don't know if this matters...


When I finally think it's time to ask her out, I think I can handle rejection, but it's just that I don't want anyone to see me get rejected (if that happens). That'd be pretty embarrassing. You know what I mean? Is there anyway I can get around this problem, too?


ALSO, do you guys know of any websites that have "Confidence Builders." Like, it tells you how to feel more confident about yourself.


I'm asking a lot but hey...this IS a message board. Thanks to anyone nice enough to help out

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100% of the times (ok...once) that I have ever asked a girl out I asked her if I could talk to her in private for a second. This will excite her and I figure the odds are 4000 to 1 if you ask her when she is surrounded by less than 3 friends/people. You need confidence? Go to a local high school and look at the people that are together and how much better certain aspects of you are than them. Even with how bad I look, I can always find someone I think is worse than I am...and it actually helps.

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