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Healing Project Photos

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Wow, he is so beautiful isn't he??

Ex police horses as so comfortable and sound to ride. They are not afraid of anything.

When i was first learning to ride, i used to ride an ex police horse (grey), very much like this one, called Arnie.

I was only 16 and would have loved to own him, but i couldn't. I always think of him.


I'll try and attach a picture of the grey i was riding yesterday. It was my first time on him, and he was a PLEASURE to ride. He's a sweety. His name is Kash.



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Oh Lim,

He's Gorgeous!!! I have to go to work and sleep over tonight, but I'm going to try and do more tomorrow with my ponies. I wasn't feeling so well these last couple of days. Then yesterday afternoon, I took my dog for a walk for a couple of kilometres and cleaned the paddock, messed about with the ponies. I felt so much better this morning. I did more paddock cleaning and then took 2 of them for walks outside of the paddock. I noticed this morning that the little black one, Jimmy, chewed at the fence when he saw I had taken the little white one out. I realised he must be getting very bored so I got him out of there and had a nice walk on the road. They're all sleeping now. I wanted take the third one out too, but she isn't interested today and I have to go. It feels hard to leave them when the weather is good especially.


Somebody sent me a link this morning to some type of employment you can do from home which is done online. I want to check it out. I would so like to be able to work from home and be able to then spend more time with my guys.


Those walks I had with them in the sun today and the pottering about in the paddock has helped me feel so much better. Too bad I have to go off now to earn money. LOL!

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SilverBirch, i would love to have pets. I live in a small flat in the city, and we are not allowed pets here. Even a cat would be great company for me at the moment, especially when going through this awful breakup.

I get to see the horses once a week cause i work full time during the week, and have no time to travel to the yard.

I would be there every day if i could, as you're right, it really is therapeutic.

Let me know if that link works by the way

Have a good day.



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Those grey's grays are just beautiful! This thread SO makes me miss my horses. One day perhaps I'll be able to have another, it's just not in the cards right now.


Silverbirch I know what you mean about Gypsy. There was a mare at a riding stable when I was a kid that gave me that feeling for the first time. No one else would ride her as she was quite sour and would bolt or buck but I never had a bit of problem with her. We just "clicked". I was maybe 12 or 13 at the time and tried to convince my parents to buy her for me. I finally had them won over but that mare was sold off at auction before I could speak to the owner. I still remember "Babe". A nice little Quarter horse, about 15 hands, bay with a star and snip and socks on her hind feet. Ever since then, sometimes a horse will come along that just "clicks" instantly.

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Hi Limiya and Kaylee,

It's been very much on my mind that I would like to be able to have some type of employment I could do from home and I would move further away from the city from where I already am. The thing is too that usually when you bring horses and other furries into your life, it's difficult for a lot of reasons to ever be able to live on a normal sized house block.


Kaylee, I think that if I was patient and looked that there would be other horses out there which would be just right for me. I would say likely a retired work horse. Mac, the horse in the pics was retired from stockhorse work due to an injury but he is a great pleasure horse for his current owner. Same thing with Gypsy - she was too old and arthritic to continue working as a police horse, but great for someone who is small who wants to do a little gentle riding. I used to brush and plait her mane which she liked and I'm probably most happy just mucking around spending time with them than riding. Ideally, I would want one which is quiet and safe enough to ride bareback with a bitless bridle or just a head stall. For me, you can't beat that feeling of riding a gentle horse bareback - that feeliing of warm connectedness with the horse and being able to move just as they do.


I found a link to the video of Jayne having Zorro load into the float on his own, but unfortunately, she has now password protected the video. I got some good knowledge from her, but it's all money. She has to earn a living but a lot of people just don't have that type of money required.


I've been thinking out what to do about Jimmy. I really think he needs a younger companion in the paddock with him. The old mares have taught him some much needed manners, but he clearly needs more stimulation. Even taking him out for walks myself I think won't be enough. I can't afford to take on anymore animals myself right now, but 2 of David's ponies might be coming to stay with me for a while. I'll see if I can find a pic of them. They are gorgeous. Have both been laminitic in the past and I can provide a better paddock for them as the pasture where he lives is way too rich for them.


Another thing too, my dog Fuzzie and Jimmy have a funny type of relationship which I'm not certain about. I was told that Jimmy really liked dogs. When Fuzzie has gotten out of the yard or Jimmy has been in my yard, he and Fuzzie will chase each other around with both of them becoming very excited, but I realise it is possible for it to become dangerous. I haven't had any luck training Fuzzie not to tease horses - he also teases cows (from the other side of the fence). When he has gotten out, he has teased the neighbours larger horse (who is very lonely all on his own). Fuzzie will run on the other side of the horse fence and the horse will give chase and get very excited. I worry though when Fuzz gets in with Jimmy. I'm going to look for more pics.





The little white pony is Lois, My Princess. She has a real thing for tea cups and coffee mugs and if she sees them about, will need to have a taste. From time to time, I let the ponies into my backyard - they like to sleep under my bedroom window. One day, I was cleaning cobwebs in the living room and turned around and Lois was standing there in the living room watching me. I hadn't heard her come in. At some point in time, each of them has wanted to come inside so I have to keep a close eye on the back door if it is opened and if they are in the yard.


I hope your dreams come true for both of you - and sure they will if you set your mind to them where you can have your horses living with you both.

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Beautiful pics SilverBirch.

Such gorgeous little ponies. I want to scoop them up.

I used to work on a farm when i was 11 till i was 14, and i used to look after 2 Shetland ponies every week. Very confident spirited little guys they were. Always had big personalities for such little ponies.


I'm going to be riding again on Saturday. I'll get some more pictures


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Hi Lim,

Looking forward to seeing your next pics. Yes, Shetlands seem to have their own special charm, a lot of it due to their naughtiness. Other thing is that I tend to react to them differently to what I would with a much larger equine. For example, when I first had Jimmy he would sometimes go to bite me. If he does that, I will playfully grab him around the nose and hold on and say things in a funny voice like "This is what I do to naughty little ponies who try to bite me." Then I'll put my arms around his neck and hug and hug and sometimes even kiss him so I'm asserting my dominance with him but not in a mean or cruel way. I just wouldn't be able to do that with a big horse.


I've been searching around for pics of D's equines. ATM, he has 7, 2 of them are little shetties who he rescued and they are just gorgeous. I know I have a pic here somewhere but I just can't find it. Here's a pic of my 2 old mares chilling out, Soxy and Lois.



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