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Women constantly use me :-/

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Well im not talking abotu relationships or anything but it always seems like women use my kindness to their own selfish desires and i get tired of it.Like girls at school need help with an assignment and stuff in math since i was the one getting the great grades and stuff.They will act all nice and stuff and get help from me on an assignment and not talk to me ever again after that.then like waitresses at work act all nice and always ask me if i can bus their tables and just plenty of other things.but then whenever they dont need help and like i walk into work they wont say hi.its like i found this one waitresses 10 inside of a bus bin and gave it back.She stlll wanted me to bus tables and like i took back a couple of things she was s'pose to do.and that at close on these days when the waitresses are suppose to sweep.She asks me "o do u need me to sweep the front floor"knowing i would say no so she wont have to do it.They constantly use me.Well ya maybe its better for her to go home and go to her baby which i dont mind because my life is a joke neways i just go home and rot and be ugly just saying its like a lot of women take us nice guys for granted and constaly use us and it makesme feel bad about myself.

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More problems m8 . Life is a [PROFANITY REMOVED BY MODERATOR] I know.


Yep, sounds like your too nice for your own good these days. As the post above mentions, u best start taking note of who is asking u for favours. Get people to earn your help first. Don't let them walk over. If they are geniunely nice people and help u, of course help them, but be wary of people using u. Perhaps help people out for the first time but if u don't get anything back in return forget it, put your foot down, don't let them use u. Start being more assertive about the situation.


Good luck.

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I used to be like you, but not anymore. I have learnt to use DISCERNMENT when I deal with people.


1. People you don't know :


People you don't know should not ask you favours. Would YOU ask a favour to a person you don't know??? That is a very bad sign. When someone asks you anything, you should determine FIRST whether the person has an interest.


People who really enjoy your company and want to become friendly with you, won't mind it if you don't help them right away, they are with you for other reasons. So, you should say no when people ask you a favour, unless they are VERY good friends.


2. People you know for a long time :


Even people you know can take advantage of you. Some people are really weary of being exploited, or are simply lazy. They won't budge a finger to help you. It is happened to me in the past.


This is why you should not be too helpful with anybody, unless they show gratitude openly, and try to compensate you.


What would you do if someone helped you, you would do something to show them your gratitude, right? May be buy a small gift or something. Same thing here, if people don't try to compensate you for what you are doing for them, they are taking you for granted.


3. Learn to love yourself


If you don't love and respect yourself, nobody will. I personally made a rule for myself: Never allow others to treat me in a way I would not treat another human being. You must love yourself at least as much as you love others.

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