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What do you do when you don't know why you believe in what you believe in?


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Hello, now this is a religious question, there’s no section for it but this was the most appropriate one.


I was raised as a Catholic, and while I believed in God, I didn’t really take part in the Catholic tradition. I was removed from home and lived with my uncle when I was thirteen due to domestic reasons. During the rest of my years growing up I still went to mass and still kept my faith although that has changed. I’m not a strong Christian; even though I go to mass I’ll call myself a Christian before a Catholic. About three weeks ago, I had a thought that just popped into my head “Why do I believe?” . Now this has just stuck with me. I have no idea why I believe in God when I think about it. I was raised to believe in god but I haven’t experienced him. You know how you hear of people experiencing God but I haven’t had that. This is really troubling me, it’s scary. For twenty four years now I have lived believing in a God, believing that he was there for me and that he would watch over me. But to now to start to wonder if God was even there at all? It’s scary for me. My fiancé has [picked up on this and is asking what’s wrong, and I’m afraid to tell her. I’m afraid to tell her as if it’s confirming my doubts. I don’t know if you have any advice on how to deal with this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Don't panic- just be honest and have some deep conversation with her.


Many people go through periods of questioning when it comes to faith. Beliefs may transform and change as we grow. That is why they call it faith.


In my own belief, I think the most important thing is how you live your life- treating others kindly, helping others, radiating love. My son is an atheist but he believes in helping others. What more can I ask for.


Do lots of reading. Read about others that have also questioned. Read inspirational writings like Thomas Merton. Talk with your pastor too.


By the way, the reason there is not a category for your topic is because they do not allow religious discussions on this board due to too much fighting. So they will likely close this thread at some point- so don't take offense when they do.

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I went through something similar except at a much younger age. I started seriously questioning my Catholic faith when i was around 13-14 years old. Before that, i tried to live my life according to the teachings of the religion, as young as i was. Then as i grew older i noticed all the hypocrisy going on around me. Little things about it bothered me, priests with more than necessary, people leaving sunday church and just passing by beggars on the street without losing a step, bibles being sold instead of just freely given out, etc. Then i started seriously questioning the existence of the christian god, and all the things that i was told about him just did not add up when i looked at the world. So i decided to just follow my own moral code and disregard religion in general because the way i see it, nobody is perfect and i will not listen to a hypocrite preach to me about how i should live my life. As far as god is concerned, i'm not going to pretend to know the answers like the adults around me led on when i was younger. my take on it is that if there is a god, he's not directly involved in our lives or this world in general.

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Would they still close it even though the only chance for fighting is if someone is a jerk if their answer? If that does happen, can't they just delete his answer? I mean I'm only asking for help, not attacking or having goes at other’s faiths. It’s just I need advice on this and you could pin this under personal growth.

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