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am i pregnant


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Is your period late? Is it possible that you could be pregnant, like have you had unprotected sex?


If you haven't had unprotected sex, then I doubt your pregnant. Like OceanEyes said, its probably just pms. I know that I get bad stomach pains before and like the first day of my period.


If your period isn't late, then don't worry about it. If you worry about being pregnant, you will just stress yourself out and it could cause your period to be late.


If your period is late, if its more than a week late, then you might want to get checked out by a doctor. ALso, if you had unprotected sex, you should get checked.

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I would just like to say that I had severe backpain and stomach pain... I couldnt stand up straight... I had already had my appendix out.. it got so bad we went to the hospital....


They didnt know what was wrong with me but they said they needed to do a routine pregnancy test. I was like "My period is due in 3 days, and I can already tell its coming" (i get cramps before i get my period).. teh docs said it didnt matter... they just wanted to be sure...


The doc came back and said "nope, not pregnant, I dont know whats wrong with you but take Advil and you should be fine"


Three days comes and goes.... two weeks go by... no period.... but the doctor at the hospital said I wasnt pregnant.... those tests should be the best.. especially when my period is only three days away....


Turns out I WAS pregnant.... If i ever get those back pains and stomach cramps again I will know for sure this time. STUPID DOCTORS!

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