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For those trying to get their exes back....

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For those of you who contact your ex, all the time thinking that something you will say will magically change their mind, thinking that *this* time you have a sure-fire way of getting them back.


I have a quote that kept me away from making mistakes and moving forward:


"A sure sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." - Albert Einstein


As you were...

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May a great guy said that, but that doesnt apply.


These same great people before inventing one how many times do u think they must have failed. They didnt come to the lab oneday did sometest and got it working and invented stuff right??? So the more and more u try is how to achieve something.


So its not insantity but the faith that u have in urself that u will suceed oneday !!

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I am sorry to say that it wasnt like that for me, i was treated better than id ever been treated in my whole life with him, he is the one with the problem and the one with the drastic personality change, ( he was brainwashed into believing that i wouldnt stay true to my work that i was moving there to be with him) my only hope for him now is to get hurt by his new wife the way he hurt me, but you know this much ... he will hurt more than i have been hurting because he threw away so much for nothing, i still cant be happy without him knowing everything that is going on over there , he made his bed and now he will have to lie in it for a very very long time and i still dont know if he will ever come back online, yes i hope to have moved on a good deal if and when he ever does try to contact me, but i know that i can never turn my back on his mother and family

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i said the same words to his mother just last week, he could never have loved me the way he said he did to be able to go marry his other woman in the space of 4 weeks of seeing her again after 18 years with N/C , this was LDR remember and he just couldnt wait till we met up again to feel the love for real instead of over the pc screen, he never needed the pc before we met and now he doesnt need me he wont need to be online to know what he did was wrong (his words in our final conversation, not mine) so he knew he was wrong and he ran the other way, something most of us would call a COWARD i guess thats all he is


still the saying goes .......... what goes around comes around

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He is either insane or a coward. How can his marriage work based on flimsy half-forgotten memories of years ago. He is married to a memory. She will burp and scratch too and maybe he will realise his mistake.

My brother gave up everything to follow a girl accross the world. He had spent less than two weeks in her company then he moved to her country. We all knew that though she was a nice girl, that it was the adventure that attracted him, the escape from his work here. But we knew he woulf regret it. It took him eleven months to admit it but now he is homesick and broke. There was no talking to the fool beforehand and now he is stuck. Also she was a fool to let a stranger move in with her. I know him well, hes my brother and not exactly an ideal mate. If it does break up I will feel sorry for her as a person but think she was silly to think that there is a shortcut to love. I feel the same way about your ex's wife. What was she thinking?

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Thanks for the reply there,


Well his family do not like her, they have heard some stories thru the garapevine (so to speak) and she is a bad person seemingly. mind you thats my opnion of her too. Its only been a week and 1 day since the wedding and in that week he has had no contact with his mother at all, i have never met this woman but from what his mum and brother and his oldest kid say is that this marriage will not last and she will hurt him badly again, after all 18 years ago they never really split up it was just her family moved away and they were only 16 years old so she musta had no choice but to go with them at the time i believe that if they had wanted to they would have kept in touch. in the 18 years thats past she has 3 children oldest is 17 and the youngest is only 5 months old tho one of her kids takes nothing to do with her and lives with his father, oh yea and shes had a really bad experience ( thats all she wanted to talk to him about when she first turned up again supposedly)

In the 6 weeks since he left me my feelings havent changed much but since i heard of the marriage all i seem to do is wish them to argue or for her to do something wrong so he sees he made the biggest mistake of his life. and at the end of it all yes i still love him with all my heart even after hes done this to me, 11 months we were together geez i hope it doesnt take him that long to realise he was wrong to go with her

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Well im not a betting woman but I would put money on this turning out to be a total disaster. However it may be even longer than 12 months before he realises it. He has taken a stand against you and his family, his ego wont let him concede defeat easily. The best thing for you to do is get on with your life and forget him. You can't wait on a flake like him. You have things to do. Use this as an opportunity to show him what hes missing and you what you are capable of.

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