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Or at least I think I am. My last serious relationship which lasted two years, ended in 2008. We were both 'homebodies' if you like (prefer staying in, or doing stuff together.) It took a while for me to get over that but earlier this year I decide to start dating again.


In January I met a guy close to home, we actually did stuff, I guess. Nothing amazing but he seemed to enjoy my company. Then not a few weeks pass before he's found someone else he's besotted with (I found out as he accidentally text me insted of him It was the first time I'd felt crappy since my break up, but a month passed and I met someone else.


This guy was besotted with me, claiming love after a few weeks! We never really did much either but then he never suggested anything. Then a month later he's planning to go to paris with this rich guy, and explains I'm boring and never do anything. This took a few months to get over as he kept coming back to me and I'm weak willed. Over it now though.


Since then I went on one date with another guy who 'liked' me but didn't wanna lead me on, and another who said over text he didn't wanna see me anymore and I'm basically boring for not going to pubs?!


I consider myself a decent, nice, attractive, clued on guy. I am solitary and my interests are cinema, theme parks, days out, eating out, museums and I'm actively looking for a club sport.


But because I don't go drinking and clubbing, or to music festivals, I'm really boring? I'm starting to feel the same, maybe I'm just meant to be on my own, don't think I'll ever find anyone like my ex a few years ago who loved me for me.

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You're not boring at all, lots of people also enjoy all of those things. I think culturally though, people around our age opt for the bars and the clubbing side of things before getting into anything serious (which then will more likely include your interests) I may be wrong, I'm not speaking for all 20-somethings. I personally would enjoy either one but my best friend would just die of boredom if his boyfriend made him go to a museum XD we're all different.


Side note slightly off topic: Declaring one's love after only a few weeks seems irrational and almost spits on the word "love". I feel like people who just throw that out there after barely getting to know me don't mean it at all, and I find it hard to trust them. Where are you meeting these guys? If you don't like going to bars, I'm guessing not there?

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You're not boring. My boyfriend has almost the same interests as you and at the beginning I thought he was boring. ( which he is not at all).

Those people who called you " boring" didnt take enough one to get to know you or being introduced to your interests. Don't worry too much, don't care about what they think.

I hope you will find someone who has the same and/or similar interests as you

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I am as boring as hell mate honest ..if you wasnt batting for the other side we could get married and have loads of

really boring kids .


I tell you what a good night out is in my world ..a nice marley , a beautiful sunset , walking for miles , getting some shots

that are award winning . coming home and falling into a pile of sex , tea , chocolate and weed ..


I havent been to a pub other than to eat for about 6 years .


as someone said ...your just meeting men you dont have anything in common with thats all .

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Nah you're not boring. I know plenty of people out there who run all over the place, drinking and partying and being "spontaneous" and frankly they bore the crap out of me when I try to have a conversation with them because they have nothing to say. Boring is doing stuff just to avoid sitting still, not a person with interests that actually make you think and discuss, like cinema and museums. I agree with the posters who say you should find someone with interests like yours...they definitely exist!

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I am as boring as hell mate honest ..if you wasnt batting for the other side we could get married and have loads of

really boring kids .


I tell you what a good night out is in my world ..a nice marley , a beautiful sunset , walking for miles , getting some shots

that are award winning . coming home and falling into a pile of sex , tea , chocolate and weed ..


I havent been to a pub other than to eat for about 6 years .


as someone said ...your just meeting men you dont have anything in common with thats all .


Star if you switched sides I'd date ya lol

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I hear ya Taven, there's such a massive drinking culture in England if you're not in it apparently you're crap. But that's not to say there aren't people just like you. I am a homebody and so is my husband.

I think though if you just suggest to do more of those things you like, then you'll be alright, but don't bend to someones will and go clubbing if you don't want to, you should try things they like to do also but don't change your whole personality, if they need you to then they aren't suited to you anyway.

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To the OP...boring is a state of mind. I get bored when someone discusses something I don't understand, or something mundane like knitting or something tedious. Some people find great joy in those things..I don't happen to.


I don't think you are boring at all, I think your interests are very normal and not thrill seeking. I love book stores. I can hang out for hours in one. I also like flea markets..as do millions of other people. Not exactly thrill seeking stuff, but nonetheless enjoyable for US. Someone else might think I am as exciting as a cold sore, by judging me on that fact. But hey...I have different facets to my personality, as you do....so if they wanna think of me as boring so be it. It beats a lot of other things I could be called lol

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Nah you're not boring. I know plenty of people out there who run all over the place, drinking and partying and being "spontaneous" and frankly they bore the crap out of me when I try to have a conversation with them because they have nothing to say. Boring is doing stuff just to avoid sitting still, not a person with interests that actually make you think and discuss, like cinema and museums. I agree with the posters who say you should find someone with interests like yours...they definitely exist!


I agree. Some of the most boring people I've met were 'party animals'... sit them down for a chat and they have nothing worthy to say.

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