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She's really weird. Help me figure her out


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Ok, so to starts things off 2 years ago I have fallen for this girl. Within those 2 years of liking her she constantly rejected me because I would confess to her like ever 2 months. I know it's wrong to do that, but come on if your in love with someone your bond to do dumb stuff right? Anyways after 2 years she was cutting communication little by little because she told me she didn't want a relationship. I respect her decision in the end but she will somewhat show me interest which will confused me most of the times. Mixed signals in other words.

So towards the end of these two years of liking her my heart kind of grew tired of trying and trying, and I decided to confess one last time. So I did and the results of that she rejected me and cut communications. I was saddened and torn, I decided to move on and cut her from my sight so I de-activated Facebook and every other thing that I contacted her with for 2 moths. In those 2 months another girl came accross me she kind of helped me moved on, but in the end she ended up breaking my heart even more.

After those two months I re-activated my Facebook. The girl I liked for 2 years messaged me and said something like "look whose back" or something.. We had a somewhat short conversation (at the time I was torn an didn't want to deal with girls who broke my heart and also those two months of not seeing her basically killed the feelings I had for her) I didn't really felt anything towards her. I don't know how it happened, but we just started talking and seeing each other once or twice. Back then we wouldn't even come in contact face to face. She stated she will see me around school, but I don't see her.

The thing that confuses me the most is that she flirts and compliments me in a flirtatious way. Sometimes when I talk to other girls or friends and then I message her she seems like she gets bugged. It just seems that way to me. When I don't message her the next day because I'm either busy. I message her the next next day, but she sometimes ignore it or responds to me late.

To be honest I don't know what take of this, and how to react to this... In my heart I just feel so confused and just afraid of getting hurt especially from the same person who hurt me.

What do you guys think?


P.s. - we might end up going to the movies and I also gave her a ride home. She said she's shy to come to my house when in the past she already meet my mom.


I'll add more details depending on your response thank you yet again!

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Hmm but isn't that something good? Lol or it all depends in the relationship status between us? I recall some friend telling me this "she didn't rejected you, she just said she didn't want a relationship for all you know she is probably ready now who knows?"

To be honest I have my guard up regardless because of the fact I got hurt from her in the pass and as well as not really looking for a girl now I'm just trying to heal my broken heart and concentrate in myself

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