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I told my family about my suicidal feelings yesterday and they told me to go ahead and do it. Naturally, im even more upset by this and ive tried to do it on several occasions before. I dont know what to do anymore, I just want out. I want to die but my boyfriend wants me to live, and i dont know if i can bear to hurt him.Life is just too painful though..



...what do i do??

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Try and think about all the good things that have happened i your life, remember the past and think about the future. You are young and have a life of happiness ahead of you. If you parents really treat you bad sit down and have a talk with them. After all Love and Happiness are the cures for everything.

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i'm sorry your parents werent much help. they probably don't think youre serious about it, but i promise if you did commit suicide theyd be very upset and very sad they said that. you're too young to give it all up now. you've got a great boyfriend and a life ahead of you. you'r enot always going to be under the direction of your parents and you can lead your own life. right now i know things seem bad, but try to not get lost in that sadness. try and lift yourself and just take control of what you don'lt like about your life. we've only got a short time here and were going to die one day anyway, so you might as well try and make the best of this life. you can do it. i've been there, and i know i'm not the only one who can beat this suicide thing. we all care about you here and would love to help you, and i know plenty others out there care for you too. you sound like a great person with a lot going for you, so please don't give up. just try and relax. just breathe. check this site out for stress reducers:

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take a walk, join a club or organization, listen to some music, watch a good movie, TALK TO SOMEONE, anyone..i'd love to talk to you. you're not alone, remember that. so if i could do anything to help you out, please let me know. take care! things can get better!

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hey dont listen to you family. just remember that things can get better later on in life, i have been through it to. i have the scares to prove it and a friend once told me that life has its ups and downs but tings will always get better before worse. you have to have a good to have a bad. Dont dp anything to yourself before you find the better.

i wish you the best.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't replied, I've been in hospital for an overdose and I wasn't really strong enough for a while.. you know what I mean. I still want to die - I miss my boyfriend when he's not here, I hate who I am and I just cant stop crying. I don't want to hurt anyone, but why should I be forced to live when it hurts so much?

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you should force yourself to live because you willl not ALWAYS hurt like this i promise. i know it seems like you can't see a light at all at the end of this dark tunnel, but if you stick around i promise you will. you will not always feel like you're feeling now. death will just completely take your life away, and you'll never get to see how life could really be. please take my word for it, i've been where you are. i'm glad i didnt do it, and i really don't want you to do it either. we all care about you here and we would all do anything for you, and i know there are others in your life that feel the same. you've got your whole life ahead of you, and you're not always going to be in pain! you are worth it to live


please visit


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or call




it worked for me!


take care and please continue to be the strong girl you are

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hes a jerk and you're better off without him! i promise, don't let this prick ruin your life. show him you're better than that and you can live without him. there are plenty of fish in the sea and an awesome girl like you is going to catch them like crazy soon. i know you can get through this! any of us here would love to help you get through this. please just dont commit suicide, i promise you it is not worth it!!

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Same here, you can talk to me too, I've been in this forum for way to short a period of time, and I have already become familiar with so many names in here, or nicknames rather, but so many worthwhile people that I believe it's more than a reason to live for, realizing that people care, even if not many and even if so many times it's not the people we really would want to care.


Your boyfriend is a great reason, as well as so many people that you will get to meet, your life is only starting, why not giving it a shot for all that it's worth and realize everything you can accomplish, the circle of people around you right now is not necessarily the people you'll have around for your whole life, and if you look for the best things, better people will actually become that circle, you'll find so many people who are worthwhile.


Just imagine one thing : How would you feel like if your boyfriend or someone that you care for a lot died.... NOw think on how would you feel if you knew they have ended their own life... wouldn't you feel terrible? you'd be thinking on how could you have stopped that. I have lost a friend to suicide, and it's really terrible and sad. I have also been on the other end, several years ago, with suicidal thoughts and almost going through with it, and you know what? I'm happy I didn't. Because I've gotten to do great things, and you know what's the best part? You have a gift as well.


BY having thought about committing suicide, you have been closer to death in a certain extent, just by the sheer thought of it, and what is great about that is that you can start looking at life with different eyes, to be "Re-born" and being re-born in the way you'd like, taking control of what you want to do, and to give your boyfriend everything you can in return, for being there with you, and not only your boyfriend, everyone who will become important for you, including people at this forum. Doesn't this show you that better things are yet to come?


You've thought about it, now move on, by thinking about "Not doing it", by thinking about being "Re-born" By having a second chance , you have explored your thoughts and guess what? you're back in life, let's just turn it into the life you want, regardless of everything you might not like about it right now.


Write, vent out what you thought about suicide, what it felt like, and how you want to feel now that you're determined to go on with your life. And every obstacle that gets in your way, just will give you now another reason to go on with your life, to outsmart the obstacles. You seem smart enough to do that already.


About your parents, don't give it much thought, and if they didn't take you serious, show them you are serious in ANOTHER direction : THe direction of making the best of your life, and showing them you are stronger than they think. By committing suicide you would have taught them the opposite, that you don't have what it takes to have a great life, to be as great as you can get to be, instead, take the stronger challenge : To succeed and shutting up everyone who might not believe in you, turn it into your own fuel, show your boyfriend that he will be happy with you because you are happy with him, that's a great gift, and see that in more people.


Hope we can stay in touch.



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