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A little questionnaire for the girls!


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Okay, just a little 'questionnaire' for the girls. Pick 5 of the following characteristics etc. that you think its important for a guy to have/be (that attracts you to a guy the most) and 5 that you really couldnt care less about a guy being/having!




-Height - Short? Medium? Tall?

-Weight - Skinny? Average? Slightly chubby (lol)? Large?

-Good looking/handsome face

-Nice butt

-Physically fit (muscular etc)




-Well off down below (not that that is obvious at first glance!)



-Different/not your normal person

-Has a passionate interest in something (hobby)

-Is good at something, like a sport ie. a good soccer player, on the football team etc., or plays an instrument etc.

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These are the things that attract me most to a guy (all honest)




-Different/not your normal person



Things i couldn't care less about in a guy (still honest)

-Height - Short? Medium? Tall?

-Good looking/handsome face

-Nice butt (it's not something i base my choices on, and it doesn't matter, but it can be good, something to look at)

-Physically fit (muscular etc)

-Has a passionate interest in something (hobby)

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The things I look for in a guy are:


~Funny (I like to be around people who can make me laugh when I am feeling down, or any time for that matter)

~Physically fit (I think it's safer to say I like guys to be healthy. It's not a matter of weight or anything. I just like guys who care of themselves.)

~Sensitive (Dating insensitive people is NOT fun. Most of them care less about anything other than themselves.)

~Trustworthy (Worrying that you're being lied to is definetly not fun either.)

~Confident (Having a guy always talk about how terrible he is takes a major toll on the relationship. Once, a guy was so inconfindent that he lost confident in his capabilites of being a good boyfriend. Consequently, he became a bad boyfriend and we broke up.)



The things that don't necessarily matter (although, I won't lie, are sometimes a nice perk):


~Intelligent (As long as he TRIES to become intelligent and learn, I can't hold that against someone. Just because someone isn't smart doesn't mean there won't be a conversation. People that try learning are usually very interested in what you have to say, actually, and can find things to add.)

~Shy (Shyness at times goes hand-in-hand with being inconfident. Although, many times that's not completely true. Still, I'd rather have someone who likes to socialize among many different people.)

~Different/not your normal person (No two people are exactly the same to begin with. They may put on a front to make others think they are so they can fit in. Once you learn the truth, though, noone is the same, anyways.)

~Is good at something (Everyone has the ability to be good at something. If it's important to himself to be good at something, that's his deal, I'll just support him.)

~Well off down below (Really not a big deal to me.)

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In order of priority with rationales:

1. Trustworthy (i'm tired of playing games)

2. Intelligent (i'm tired of having to explain stuff)

3. Funny (i'm tired of being bored)

4. Is good at something (i'm tired of paying when I go out with a guy)

tie for #4. Has a passionate interest in something (see above rationale)

5. Confident (i'm tired of having to make every decision in the relationship/date)

6. Sporty/Physically fit (i'm tired of guys that I can't go out and have a play day with)

7. Good looking (i'm tired of guys that I can go out and have a play day with, but people ask me what breed of dog he is J/K - LOL)

8. Sensitive (i'm tired of guys who don't think I have feelings)

9. Well off down below/nice butt (see rationale for #3)

10. Height/Weight (i prefer medium to tall and proportional)

**Good question, thanks for making me think...

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What I care about?:

(1) Trustworthy (the most important thing in my book)

(2) Different, I want someone who can be theirself and not worried about people judging them because of that.

(3) Sensitive

(4) Funny, If U can't make me laugh then why have you around, EH?

and last but not least,

(5) Intelligent.. (please be able to carry on an intelligent conversation everyonce in awhile.)



Things I really don't care about:

All those "physical" things, They may be nice but can only get you so far.

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Most important for me:






-physically affectionate


Least important:


-Height - Short? Medium? Tall?

-Weight - Skinny? Average? Slightly chubby (lol)? Large?

-Physically fit (muscular etc)



--Well off down below (not that that is obvious at first glance!)


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Here's how I rate your attributes you have listed:


-Funny- very important

-Intelligent - very important

-Height - not important, but taller than me is a plus

-Weight - not too skinny but not obese either

-Good looking/handsome face - hate to admit it, but important

-Nice butt - not important but a plus

-Physically fit (muscular etc) - a plus but not necessary

-Sporty - doesn't matter

-Shy - doesn't matter as long as he tells me his feelings

-Sensitive - rather important

-Well off down below - not important if he knows how to use it

-Confident - important

-Trustworthy - very important

-Different/not your normal person - not important

-Has a passionate interest in something (hobby) - hopefully would be ME

-Is good at something, like a sport ie. a good soccer player, on the football team etc., or plays an instrument etc. - not important


My opinions of course.

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What attracts me:

-Funny- I love to laugh

-Intelligent- doesn't have to be all A's just like smart enough to understand common sense.



-Different/not your normal person- independent

-Has a passionate interest in something (hobby)--Brass Intrument might be a PLUS.... really doesn't matter though.



Things that dont matter:


-Height - Short? Medium? Tall?

-Weight - Skinny? Average? Slightly chubby (lol)? Large?

-Nice butt

-Physically fit (muscular etc)



-Well off down below (not that that is obvious at first glance!)

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5 Top Qualities:

1. Shy

2. Confident (quiet confidence, humbleness)

3. Intellegence

4. Funny

5. Trustworthy


5 Unimportant Qualities:

1. Muscular

2. Sporty

3. Nice butt

4. Different

5. ...(Can't think of a 5th one).


If a guy can play a guitar, then that's a huge plus!

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5 things that matter to me/attract me:


*~Funny (I love laughing and love having a good time. If he is able to laugh at himself and allows himself to have a carefree attitude sometimes than it makes life more enjoyable.)


*~Intelligent (Has to be able to hold his own in a conversation, talk for hours on end about anything and everything. Challenges me to think about things. Has street smarts and book smarts kinda thing.)


*~Confident (not arrogant, but knows that he has things to offer the world, the people he comes into contact with and himself. Stands up tall kinda confident)


*~Trustworthy (there is no point to anything if you can't trust the person, whether it be their actions or words....trust is 100% important and crucial. Besides who wants to worry all the time about how much they can believe someone else's words/actions...what's the fun in that)


*~has a passionate interest in something and is good at something are a bit of a tie for me. (He must have an interest, that's what makes people different, everyone interested in something for their own reasons. Besides he can share his interests with me and teach me about them and I can share mine with him.) (Everyone is good at something. But if he were an athlete I could go to the games, if he were a musician I could go to the music events, artist go to the art shows, etc. Even if the "good at something" is a hobby I could still be there to support him in what he is doing and learn. I see it as a way to get to know each other, experience something the other enjoys together, be there in support, etc. Fun times also, good memories)



Things that don't matter


*~Well off down below (honestly who cares. There's more to life than how big or small a guys Jimmie is. Besides the pee-pee does not make the man, the man makes the pee-pee) ha-ha too bad I say pee-pee like I'm 4 yrs old \


*~Height (most guys are taller than me anyway. But even if they weren't it still wouldn't matter.)


*~Nice butt (can't really tell what the buns look like in the jeans. and as long as they are able to sit on it that's all that matters)




I'm in the middle on the physically fit, weight and good looking ones.


Physically fit guys (not beastly built, skinny, etc) are more attractive to me because I see them as they take care of themselves and as a motivation for me to hit the gym harder. I'm not saying they have to be all muscle no body fat, because I like the little tummies and such, I think it's cute. I don't know it's hard to explain my view on it. I know I'm going to get ridiculed for this response.


Weight ties in with physically fit.


Good looks, they matter to an extent. Being able to look at someone while talking to them is important, I believe. Someone who is pleasing to your own individual eye is important. I'm not talking Abercrombie, Hollister; chip in dales handsome so no jumping down my throat calling me superficial. I'm talking about the clean, sweet look, nice smile, nice eyes; approachable appearance is what matters to me.



So yeah, that's my stuff



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Hmmmm.....here are the 5 traits I hold highest:


(in no particualr order)


-Sensitive~ Very important especially w/ an extremely sensitive person like me


-Trustworthy~ loyalty and honesty are probably one of the best traits anyone can possess


-Has a passionate interest in something~ It's always good to have a hobby


-Intelligent~ true intelligence is not booksmarts but rather the ability to make responsible and wise choices


-Confident~ enoguh that he respects himself



Height and looks really don't matter to me. I can't really be choosy bout height anywhoo. I'm a tall female.

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The 5 things that attract me(not in this order):

Funny- If you can say or do little things to make others laugh or smile, that's a plus. I like a guy with a humor who doesn't use it at the expense of others. A guy who is playful and isn't afraid to laugh too.


Intelligent- I like someone who has some book smarts but not a lot. He can't be a total slacker when it comes to learning. Common sense is important and if he is knowledgeable about something he's interested in that's nice too.


Sensitive- I like someone who isn't afraid to show his real feelings sometimes. I like to know the guy is actually human and has emotion lol if that makes sense. Someone who can read your feelings and be able to comfort, congratulate you, etc. at the right time.


Trustworthy- The guy has to be trustworthy and honest with me. No one likes someone who goes behind their back, breaks promises, or lies to your face, right?


As far as physical attraction:

Good looking/handsome face- Well I have to be honest and say that I am one sucker for a cute face. The guys I've been attracted too have some feature(s) on their head/face that draw me to them, but their bodies have all been different (height, weight, etc).


The 5 things I could care less about:


Nice butt- its kind of hard to tell what a guys butt looks like anyway, the type of pants often make it look different


Sporty- if the guy doesn't play sports that much but has other interests thats ok


Height- I could see myself with a guy short like me, medium or tall so this doesn't matter


Different/ not your normal person- We are all different, and there is no such thing as normal anyway


Well off down below- this has never really passed my mind when I think about a guy. I guess as long as its in working order lol.

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hmm.. my 5, I really like:










-Height - Short? Medium? Tall?

-Weight - Skinny? Average? Slightly chubby (lol)? Large?

-Good looking/handsome face

-Nice butt

-Physically fit (muscular etc)



-Well off down below (not that that is obvious at first glance!)

-Different/not your normal person

-Has a passionate interest in something (hobby)

-Is good at something, like a sport ie. a good soccer player, on the football team etc., or plays an instrument etc.

all fo these I don't care!


I jsut want a guy that I can trust, will make me laught when I am down and will keep his mouth shut when he has to! what else can I ask for?

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Thank you all the girls who have answered this post, you've renewed my faith in the female gender. Just about everyone has ranked personality traits high while leaving physical traits as unimportant. It shows that who a person is inside means more than who they are on the outside. Woman really do like a nice, sensitive gentleman over the "bad boy" types. Thanks girls for showing us that.

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Thank you all the girls who have answered this post, you've renewed my faith in the female gender. Just about everyone has ranked personality traits high while leaving physical traits as unimportant. It shows that who a person is inside means more than who they are on the outside. Woman really do like a nice, sensitive gentleman over the "bad boy" types. Thanks girls for showing us that.


What a bad time to post my post.. XD.


I'm going to be honest. Heck, i'll look shallow against everyone's "I dont care about physical appearance!!" posts, but, its true. I do care about appearances (I couldn't be 'attracted' to someone who i'm not physically attracted to, after all ) and I dont care what other people think of me anymore, so whoo.

Maybe i'll grow out of it.


5 things that attract me to a guy the most (in no particular order) -

Funny - Its a given, isnt it?


Height (tall.. well, taller than me (5'7) anyway.)

Good looking face -- its the thing you'll be seeing the most of, hey?

Weight -- Average, I suppose -- its depressing if your boyfriend either is either skinnier or needs a larger bra than you.


5 things I couldn't care less about (no particular order, 'cept for the first )

Well off down below (as long as he has a damn one! Guys, girls really dont give a damn how big it is. Really.)

Nice Butt -- if my guy wore pants that I could actually see his butt in, i'd be quite worried..

Has a passionate interest in something (hobby) - meh?

Shy -- If you spend enough time with a shy person, they will warm up to you (:

Physically Fit -- okay, so it is a nice bonus, but really, it doesn't matter too much to me.

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Wow! Ive created a popular topic. lol. I added the butt thing cos a couple of female friends decided to touch mine up once for some strange reason, and said I had a nice butt, and I wondered how much that mattered to a girl....lol.



Anyways, keep 'em comin! Its really interesting what you girls have to say, and puts a lot of us "not quite so 'deep'" guys to shame!

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Thank you all the girls who have answered this post, you've renewed my faith in the female gender. Just about everyone has ranked personality traits high while leaving physical traits as unimportant. It shows that who a person is inside means more than who they are on the outside. Woman really do like a nice, sensitive gentleman over the "bad boy" types. Thanks girls for showing us that.


I don't think these are the qualities females find attractive in a guy though. They're just what females want in a guy. There's a bit of difference in what we want and what attracts us

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well hmm......... somethings that i like about a guy is...



~has his own personality

~good looking

~sense of humor


and some things i dont lik,e are (these are more of turn off's then carateristics)





~uses gurls to get what they want

~a wuss


hope it helps....




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I heard that a guy being physically lower down, has a better chance of pulling a girl! lol. Okay, let me explain. I read that, if at a party etc, a guy always attempts to be lower than a girl ie. sitting when the girl theyre talking to is standing, kneeling if the girl is sitting, etc, then they are more likely to 'attract' that girl. The apparent reason behind this is that being lower is meant to make the girl feel more superior to a guy, which they really like.


What do you think?! Sounds weird!

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I heard that a guy being physically lower down, has a better chance of pulling a girl! lol. Okay, let me explain. I read that, if at a party etc, a guy always attempts to be lower than a girl ie. sitting when the girl theyre talking to is standing, kneeling if the girl is sitting, etc, then they are more likely to 'attract' that girl. The apparent reason behind this is that being lower is meant to make the girl feel more superior to a guy, which they really like.


What do you think?! Sounds weird!


never heard of that before. i'm afraid i'm gonna have to wait to see what girls have to say about this before considering it to be true.

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... wouldn't that actually be kind of weird?


I think the theory might have came up because if you keep showing your awesome looking face in front of the girl she'll have the chance of remembering it more! Guys are often taller... first two days when I met bf I couldn't remember what he looks like, all I know if he wore a milky yellow polo shirt, because that's all I saw of him.

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