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Was this thing I did at 16 really creepy?


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I was reading another thread about a girl asking if it was creepy to call some guy who her friend gave her the number of and ask him out, so that inspired me to ask this..


I had a crush on a guy in one of my classes when I was 16, but we didn't really socialize in the same group or have a lot of mutual friends (although a few), but I decided I was too into him not to say anything. I was too shy to say anything in person so I stole his e-mail off one of his projects (it was a computer class) and e-mailed him and said I was interested in him. At first he said he wanted to go out with me, but then he bailed because he said it was creepy the way I obtained his e-mail. Btw, at first I lied to him, saying that I had got the e-mail from one of his friends, although eventually I told the truth after he asked the friend if he really had given me the e-mail.


Years later, the guy still thinks it was slightly creepy that I did that. If it was me I would have been flattered if someone did that and wouldn't be creeped out, unless the person was seriously sketchy and he couldn't have thought I was seriously sketchy if he agreed to go out with me at first. Btw, he occasionally starts talking to me and flirting with me again, and we actually went out once, but then he will quit talking to me, and make a comment about me being creepy or a stalker (ex. "So was that your hobby in high school, creeping around looking for emails to snag? That was a little stalkerish").. years later! He said I was cute, but I also think he thinks I'm insane or at least weird, and not relationship material because of that.


HE is actually sort of sketchy though, he's into dirty cam stuff and was always trying to get me to go on cam with him a few months ago (I didn't). He wasn't like that in high school.

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I don't think it was creepy. You were 16 and it's not like you followed him home, around school, etc. It was an innocent effort to contact him. What I do think is that you need to stop talking to him. He sounds shady at best and taking digs at you is uncalled for, especially after all this time. It seems all he'd want from you is booty calls and certainly you can do better.

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I don't think it was creepy. You were 16 and it's not like you followed him home, around school, etc. It was an innocent effort to contact him. What I do think is that you need to stop talking to him. He sounds shady at best and taking digs at you is uncalled for, especially after all this time. It seems all he'd want from you is booty calls and certainly you can do better.


Actually, I barely talk to him now, since I wouldn't do anything sexual with him (at least not on his schedule - which means pretty much immediately when he wants), he usually doesn't answer me.

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Gee - despite what happened at 16, I wouldn't pursue this dude if he is interested in sex on demand and cam stuff.


I think about the email thing - I know some gals may say they would be flattered but it all depends on who does it. If the guy they already like did it - they would be flattered, but if the guy wasn't on the radar - not that they are a bad guy - they wouldn't. I think it was a pretty bold move. But now you know what he is like, so it doesn't matter if he thinks its creepy - he's creepy himself

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i think its clever that you got his email and sent him a messge. I bet your a practical person who gets things done sometimes in unconventional ways that only you and no one else knows about. he sounds like a sociopath who manipulates a persons insecurities in order to get a result. Anyone who cared would not comment that your a stalker its just so inconsistent with empathy for others.

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Gee - despite what happened at 16, I wouldn't pursue this dude if he is interested in sex on demand and cam stuff.


I think about the email thing - I know some gals may say they would be flattered but it all depends on who does it. If the guy they already like did it - they would be flattered, but if the guy wasn't on the radar - not that they are a bad guy - they wouldn't. I think it was a pretty bold move. But now you know what he is like, so it doesn't matter if he thinks its creepy - he's creepy himself


Btw, I'm NOT pursuing him and I've never slept with him (I was thinking about it once but he wasn't going to wait around for me to make up my mind, just was off looking for other girls to bang, probably a good thing in the end..). The only thing I ever did was send him a lingerie pic with my face cut out. I just think about him all the time when I'm bored since he was one of my first love interests and we were talking again a few months ago.


If I got an email like that --


If it was a guy I was already interested in, I would be flattered..


If it was a guy I found disgusting I would be really creeped and try to avoid them from now on..


And I guess you're right, if it was a guy I'd never really thought about before/didn't know well but found okay (I guess this is what I was to him), I would have felt somewhat the same as he did.. maybe accepted a date but treaded carefully.

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