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~the impact of friendship~

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One day a freshman named, john who is kinda popular was walking home from school and saw another freshman named, tommy walking home carryng all of his books and every thing and john wispered under his breath nerd but tommy didn't hear it. then john turned his head and went on his way. Then he turned his head back around and saw a few bullys of the school picken on him. the bullys took off tommy's glasses and threw them in the grass then they knocked down all of his books and tripped him so his face when in the dirt. Now john being the good kid that he is stopped it and help tommy up and gave him back his glasses and said to tommy "here is your glasses back... forget them they need to get a life they are just jerks" and tommy smiled for the first time he could ever remember.


So they started talkin and john evenually invited tommy to come over that weekend to play some football and hang out and tommy agreed. then coming back to school on a mondaymorn john walked back to school with tommy to help tommy carry his books back to school. and they started hanging together more and more and Soon enough they were the best of friends...thought out high school every one knew them...tommy was the one who got straight A's while john was the sports' star. together they made it through high school. And graduation came up and tommy was valadictorion and tommy was really nervous preparing a speech and everything and john was teasing saying "ha ha i am so glad that i dont have to make a speech" and stuff like that. But when the time came for him to give his speech you could tell he was nervous and when he first started he was stuttering the words a little bit but when he started his speech went kinda like this... I am so glad that everyone could be here to day and i know alot of people wouldent be here today if it wasn't for friends. And i know if it wasn't for my best friend john i wouldn't be standing before you. You see way back when i was a freshman just starting my high school career i had no friends and my life was going bad and i had planned on commiting suicide. I had it all planned out. I was gonna take all my books home form school so when i did my parents woulden't have to come and to school and do it and then when i was walking home from school with all my books and thinking... today is the day... while walking home preparing for what i was gonna do some bullys started pickin on me and who is now my best friend john stopped them and also stopped me from doing the enevidibal...and it went on from there


But next time when you say hey to someone or see some one with a problem help them with it...you never know what their situation might be and you could be the person who changes their day around...hopefully now you relize the impact of friendship...




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Here is my story, it is a true story and i'm not proud of it.


When I was in HS there was this kid, he was kind of a loner, kind of nerdy, and just had a thing about him that annoyed me. He was always trying to fit in. One morning he came to class and made some stupid comments. I didn't hesitate to put him down and told him he might as well kill himself since nobody likes him anyway.


Next mourning I go to school and before classes started they made an announcement. The kid overdosed on pills. Fortunately he didn not die, but was hospitalized.


Several months later I was walking to one of my classes and there was the kid standing in the hall. He walked up to me and shook my hand and asked me how I was doing. I really didn't have much to say to him since I felt awkward and was shocked he was not mad at me for saying what I said. I appologized and he did not blame me for any of it. I realized at that moment that he was a really nice guy, I just never took the time to know him. He never ended up coming back to our school after that, so I never got to know him better. To this day I feel guilty for what I said, I put my mind at ease by thinking that maybe he became a better person and realized what he had to live for because of that.



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Very touching and inspiring story shortstop543. Just goes to show you never know the effect you can have on someone. Even the smallest act of kindness can have a big impact on a person. That's why its important to always try and be nice to others. A kind word can go along way.

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