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Would you call this interested or just being friendly?


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OK, I noticed this girl in class during the second week of school. I came in a little late and i sat down facing the entire class but only by the sides. While the teacher was giving her boring lecture i decided to just look and see who i might be interested in. I found a couple but nothing like "Wow she is so different" UNTIL. i saw her. She is totally cute, sexy body, petite and has everything going on for herself.


During the middle of the 3rd week, I sat in the 3rd row while she sat in the 1st row. The girl i was sitting next to asked a question and while she was talking the cute girl turns around to listen (i guess) i was just day dreaming but then i turned and (i don't know why) at her direction. I locked eyes with her, however, i couldn't tell or i didn't want to believe she was looking at me, so i turned away. She then turns away (saw through my peripherals). Then i look back at her but she was turned away still, then she turns back and once again i could have sworn we locked eyes again. then she turns away and licks her lips. I was like no f'in way. I didn't believe it and took those actions with a grain a salt. Next class session, i came to class wearing a tank top and once again i could have sworn she was looking. but she was so far away so i didn't believe.


Fast forward to the end of the 3rd week. last class session until next week. I sat in my usual spot and she sat in front. class ended but i had to stay after to talk to the teacher. Everyone left the class except 1-2 but it was just me and her she was asking the teacher a question. so i sat and waited. I don't know why but i was getting good vibes. Like the attraction from me was like 100%. Haven't felt that in a while. i finally asked the teacher what office i needed to go to for the test sign up, she told me the directions in front of the cute girl. i said thanks and took the elevator to the 5th floor. I went into a office and waited for 5 minutes. The teacher comes up to the office i'm in (shares the same office space) and asks me if I've been helped, i said no. she then walks into a counselor office and reported to my teacher that sign ups for the test is the office accross of the one i was at. So i said "oh OK" i got up and i saw the cute girl just walking in the office i'm suppose to go to. Now, there is NO way she would have known where to go because my own teacher thought we had to register through that counselor. in fact, she told the whole class. She must of been behind me and i never noticed.


So i walked in and she was standing there talking to the front desk, I was standing behind her but to the side. She then opens to me and askes if i'm here to register for the test. I said yeah, she said oh what date, and we proceeded to just talk but she was always asking questions and so was i. Like she would always repeat the same question i had for her and vice versa. So while we were signing our names on the sheet she was really close to me as in my personal space. her voice tone was low while talking to me while mine was low as well. Higher though when talking to the front desk. I mean basically i wouldn't get this close to another dude. We literally signed that paper in like 5 mins lol.


When we finished, she started walking out but i turned around to talk to the front desk girl to ask her 1 more question which took 10 sec to respond. I then left the office and she was right there walking real slow as if she was waiting for me. while she was in front of me, i just i blew air out of my mouth kinda like a sign of relief because i registered for the test. While i'm looking straight she turns around and starts convo again. I answered her questions she answered mine it was almost like we were mimicking every question we asked each other, I would say are you a transfer? she would say no and quickly say are you?


So finally while we were walking i reached my destination point so i started slowing down and stopped completely so she stopped. She was going on about how she takes buses and trains to school. I offered her a ride to the bus stop but she say "oh i can't i meeting up with a friend.. next week ok?" i said "sure ok, well i'll see you next week!" i then turn around and she said "hey what is your name?" i turn around and she has her hand extended for a hand shake. I said Superus and i asked for hers and she told me. Even though she saw my name when we were signing the sheet lol. But maybe she didn't remember. The she said "see you next week" and i said "yea see you friday errr... i mean next week lol" and she laughed.


I got to my car and i thought to myself why would i ask her if she needed a ride this was this first time we have talked. even though we have the same class together. So while sitting in my car making a couple of phone calls, thinking to myself she just lied to me. I see her walking and i was thinking she did lie to me! Discouraged while i was on the phone i see her approach a car and a lady comes out and they went to starbucks! so she didn't lie to me lol


The VIBES were unmistakable i immediately felt comfortable with her which is probably why i asked her if she needed a ride. I NEVER ask a girl i'm not vibeing yet or just starting to know. if they needed a ride unless it was for professional reasons.




So I won't see her until next week but does it seem like she's interested?

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Duh, she is clearly, totally, ABSO-freakin'-LUTELY interested.


The fact that you were worried about her lying to you means you need to grow up a little; you JUST met. Dont get all dumb, weird-guy paranoid, not at this stage. Maybe she DID lie to you; she doesnt owe you s***. It is not like you have a bond of trust of something at this point.


Enjoy your youth, young man.

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Duh, she is clearly, totally, ABSO-freakin'-LUTELY interested.


The fact that you were worried about her lying to you means you need to grow up a little; you JUST met. Dont get all dumb, weird-guy paranoid, not at this stage. Maybe she DID lie to you; she doesnt owe you s***. It is not like you have a bond of trust of something at this point.


Enjoy your youth, young man.



Thanks for the reply, My gut was telling me she is interested and the vibes i was getting were unreal. Like you just know....know what i mean? lol

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LOL.. If she wants to pursue you she will and there won't be anything vague about it. Be yourself and not this creepy second guesser vibe chaser. Throw out some confidence and don't hoard the good manners and interesting conversation. Chances are there are others that may notice, so win- win for you.


I wish you luck.

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