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already tried once....

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alright... i first went out with this girl (kendall) from like october of 2003 to the beginning of february of 2004. we broke up when she told me that she wasnt interested in having a boyfriend. i then went to the mall with her and a couple friends in july, and we went to the movies. durin the movies we were sharin the armrest and we didnt hold hands, but she had her hand on top of mine and we were just bein close. then a couple days later i asked her if she would go back out with me. she turned me down, again saying that she didnt want a man.


then on saturday night (of this past week), i was with my friend at a dance (my friend and kendall go to the same school). i brought along my girlfriend that i have now (debra), and i was dancing with her the whole time. during one song when debra wasnt around, kendall asked me to dance with her (not a slow dance). i didnt, for fear of debra being mad at me, tho at heart i really did want to dance with kendall. then the next day i was talkin to kendall on the phone, and we started reminiscing about the good times that we used to have.


so recently i have already decided to break up with debra, just because we have nothing in common. after i break up with her, should i try again to get with kendall? cuz ive never really gotten over her, and we always seemed to have that magical kind of spark. she just sometimes sends mixed signals. and i also dont want her to think im weird if i ask her out again. what should i do?


ps. debra is a year younger than me, (im fifteen) and kendall is the same age. just in case that affects anyones replies

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Your post reminds me of how much I don't miss high school, but then I realize that all the same stupid games and rules apply after high school... Should you try to get back at Kendall? No. Whay did she only want to kick it with you when you were with another chick? Are you her "fall back" guy? The one that she'll chill with when no one else wants her? You'll find someone man. Just give it time. Be friends with Kendall, but don't let yourself get all walked over... Good Luck.

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well it wasnt really like im her fall back guy at all, we had never hung out before because we go to different schools. and before it was her who rejected me (when i asked her out after we broke up), and im just worried about getting rejected again. i dont think it would be a situation where ill get walked over. its more like i dont want to make things weird between us if i ask her out (again) and she still doesnt want a boyfriend.

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so ur saying that maybe just continue being friends with her, and then hope that theres a possibility that a relationship could work out? that sounds like a good idea... and who knows, maybe being friends with her would let me realize that we can be just friends and nothing more. a relationship would be nice tho...


and yea ur stalker comment was exactly the reason why i was questioning whether or not i should ask again. cuz i dont want things to be weird. i guess i just needed to hear it from someone other than myself

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