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infamous turn-offs on male body language


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I know that I can't look at myself while I make every move, (sure would be nice, though!) so I don't know what kind of body language I was portraying at this friend's party I went to on Sat. I do realize that whenever I'm at party I tend to become uncomfortable when I enter the scene without a group of friends.

So, what types of body language should men AVOID and are instant turn-offs to women who might have an interest in talking with them? I mentioned about my friend's party, but this question applies to other places where people meet at (academic class, theatrical rehearsal, special workshop, college club event)


Thank you and I look forward to your responses!

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Whats wrong with laughing so hard your knees collapse and you fall onto the ground? Seeing that usually makes me giggle too. xD


I have to say though, Antzca has a very good point - never scratch your private parks in public. Ever.



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well see whatr ive seen, complete goof balls dont attract sexual partners. They attract a lot of friends.


Very good point! I have to say though, I love the type of guy who is goofy and makes everyone laugh. I was first attracted to my boyfriend because he was such a goof actually, he used to start dancing at the bar as if he was in the Michael Jackson video "Thriller", grabbed other guys, stools, did push-ups on the floor, etc. I thought it was hilarious and really showed me that this guy didn't care what other people thought and really knew how to have a good time.


Some girls love the goofs!

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Er, this may just sound like a guy being stupid, but...


Basically, Im not exactly a "popular" person. (*Tries not to sound bigheaded*) im an intelligent guy, and ppl say Im handsome (and some friends who are girls say i have a nice arse!) and that, but I just feel like a total geek. I act goofy a lot, i think, thought my friends say i dont. Is there any obvious things here that would put a girl off a guy like me?!

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great responses from the previous post


And as for shy guys, what body language should they also avoid at a party?


Examples to start things off:

1. Standing alone in a standoffish way:

Folding up arms while leaning against the wall while people are deep in conversation..it's what some shy guys tend to do at a party.


2. Self-conscious look on someone's face:

This buddy of mine who stags quite often at parties tends to have a very worried/self-conscious look on his face when he first approaches a group of party people that he doesn't know and are already locked in conversation. So he told me that he pretends to "enjoy the moment" because he doesn't want any of the females at the party to percieve him as a total loner. He stands next to a group of partygoers talking, even if he doesn't contribute at all to the conversation. Because of his self-consciousness, he doesn't want to stand alone in a well lit room where people are talking, so he retreats to the "safety" of the darkened dance floor.


Wouldn't those also be turn-offs to girls?

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hopefully not alcohol as I see you're 16


lol. I hate the stuff. It tastes like crap. All my friends drink at parties, though, which I hate. They dont seem to understand though, why I hate the idea of them drinking to get drunk at parties. Im usually the only sober person there


Thanks for the help! The only problem is that I do try to smile a lot...and the only person that's noticed is a 60 year old woman

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It's always a turn-off to see a really smashed guy at a party-remember that! When I see that I just go "uggh"

It's fine to be the sober person. Don't let anyone convince you of anything different! I'm always the dd when I go out with my friends mostly because I hate the feeling of being drunk and not having control over my senses and actions. Plus, it makes me look sane compared to my drunk friends especially when they act really lame. I get to tease them about their behaviour the next day too which is fun.


Keep smiling anyway, people that smile look more approachable.



1. Standing alone in a standoffish way:

Folding up arms while leaning against the wall while people are deep in conversation..it's what some shy guys tend to do at a party.



Yeah that is a bit of a turn-off. It's better to search the room for someone else that's standing alone and talk to them rather than stand in the corner and scowl at everyone else that appears to be having a good time.

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