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This Girl...


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There's this girl ive know for about 2 years now, on and off. And recently we've started talking again. It started 4 years ago when i moved out to Rome, Italy. I was 14 at the time and couldnt speak a word of italian, which is ironic really, considering im Anglo-Italian. Anyhow i was thrown straight into the italian system, no matter how much i tried i didnt fit in. But there was this girl who would everyday talk to me in a mix of italian/english, and help me out when i needed it.


We became good friends even with the language barrier. Then I changed school without leaving a phone number, address or any infomation on where i was. In 2002 i was out with friends, and out of the blue i saw her at the pub i went to often and impressed her at how well i spoke Italian. We made a thing to meet every weekend and have a drink together. The summer holidays came, and we lost contact.


Then about 2 months ago she somehow got my msn address. We now speak every other day due to our programms for the week. Ive grown more and more fond of her, then on Saturday we meet for the first time since 2002 and it was like old times.


Any way the thing is, i really like her, but im moving back to England in 2weeks, and im not sure how to tell her that ive liked her from the age of 14, and would lke to try and see if things worked between the both of us.


soz for the rant but im dead confused right now, and any help and advice would be brill

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Hope, it would appear that if this girl has taken as much initiative (if not more) to communicate with you as you have taken to communicate with her, then conversely she likes you just as much (if not more) than you like her. Tell her how much you like her in the environment you are most comfortable in (online is the most likely). You need to find a conclusion with this girl if you are to be able to move on, be that conclusion a relationship or an understanding in the form of 'just friends'. Good luck!

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