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Message to All you Girls Who Like Shy Guys

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Message to all you girls who like shy guys:


If you like a shy guy and kinda sense that he likes you too, give them a sign next time you see them! Don't let them go through the "does she like me or am i imagining things?" or the "What are the chances of dating a girl like her?" process. Two shy people that like each other are completely useless. A girl playing "hard to get" for a shy guy that she likes is also completely useless.








P.S. Hopefully the girl I like would read this thread. I am very shy too (in real life), just not shy on this forum. What I would like is a sign from her.

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How right you are!

There's this guy I work w/ who I'm pretty sure likes me(at least that's what my co-workers say)


He's so shy....unfortunately so am I. At this rate it's not going anywhere. So I can either wait for him to make the first move, or I'm gonna have to suck it up and approach him. Other wise we're not getting anywhere ya know.


But yes...I know how ya feel. In reality I'm terribly shy, but on the net I'll talk your ear off

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Hey now. Two shy people that like each other are only mostly useless. When I fell in with a guy who was even more shy than myself, I acually became the aggressor for once in my life! Of course, my aggressor is equivalent to a normal person's passivity, so I didn't get very far before I had to move away, but I still maintain that if I'd had another three to six months I would've had him!


Good luck with your wishful thinking. I dream of a world where everyone blurts out their feelings without fear of being ridiculed.

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Lol. Hell, I can't help but like the challenge. Makes life harder, yet more fufilling, and God (or whatever runs the world, if anything) knows I need as many life-enriching challenges I can find. If any girl I liked who knew I liked them, also liked me, and told me about it, then the relationshiop we had together would be given as a free, no work involved. Warning girls to just tell the alleged "right-for-you" the feelings they have for them to me is a way of saying you don't appreciate the fact that they like you. What I mean in this is that if you don't want to show how much you care for them by getting over your own fears in order to talk to them yourself, then you must not care for them enough to be with them.


But feel free to ignore me, I'm just venting. (what's that mean, anyway? heh.)

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On behalf of shy guys everywhere let me reiterate VeryShyGuy's point. Girls, us shy guys dream of being approached by a girl. Please save us the nervousness and anxiety of having to approach a girl ourselves and start talking to us. You'd be surprised how much a shy guy can open up when the girl makes the first move and makes him feel comfortable. Yes, shy guys do need to build up the nerve to talk to the girl, but why should it always be the guy who has to make the first move? I think that no matter who you are, if you like someone you should do yourselves both a favor and tell the person or at least give them hints. There's no point in playing games or wondering what to do, you should just take a chance and go for it.

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The thing is that there are a lot of shy girls out there too. So if a shy girl likes a shy guy then they would just be waiting for the other to make the first move, and nothing will ever happen. Why are people shy? Do we even need this feeling of shyness? It's completely useless, if only everyone was born brave.

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its a comfort zone.

people are shy because they are afraid! there is no "need" for a feeling of shyness, we dont choose to feel this way. its like firmware that is programed into us until we break free of it.

no one "wants" to feel shy.


if only people could give better advice.

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its a comfort zone.

people are shy because they are afraid! there is no "need" for a feeling of shyness, we dont choose to feel this way. its like firmware that is programed into us until we break free of it.

no one "wants" to feel shy.


if only people could give better advice.


So does that mean I can download an update and flash myself to a non-shy version???


But seriously, I think it's a protection thing....I'm scared of rejection, but at the same time I'm scared of lonliness but for some damn reason they dont cancel each other out

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yea, real funny buddy.

its like something that u come standard with until you find a way to deal with it.

this has nothing to do with lonliness. people are shy because they are scared that people will laugh at them, etc

its something that u just cant change over night.

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Shyness comes from a combination of our natural personalities and a desire to protect yourself from possibly being hurt. Some people just naturally prefer more quiet activities or a more intimate setting while others enjoy an outgoing, loud atmosphere. There's nothing wrong with either way it's just a matter of personal preference. Then there are people who hold back out of fear, never putting themselves out there because they don't want to be hurt or face rejection. Being shy isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's when you allow the shyness to control your life that you have a problem. Like a lot of things in life, you need to find a balance between shy/cautious and outgoing.

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This reminds me of a situation where i went out with this girl, but because I knew she liked me, I didn't make any effort, and expected too much too soon. Had i not known if she liked me or not, I would of tried so much harder to be nice to her etc, but i took it all for granted, and she thought I was a very mean person lol.

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