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I'm afraid my boyfriend's going to cheat on me while away at college?


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I've been seeing my boyfriend for about 5 months now, officially a couple for maybe 3. Things have been really great, we haven't ever fought (we have intellectual debates, but those are fun) and every time we're together it's a really good time. And the sex is great.


However, he left for school a few days ago. He lives 3 hours away now, and I won't see him for 2 weeks or more. I was helping him get ready the week prior to his leaving, packing things up and stuff, and he was expressing how excited he was to start school. Of course, I was supportive, but I'm going to miss him like crazy.


I asked him if he'd have me down to visit and he said said "yeah" in a sort of...hesitating way. So I jokingly said he didn't sound too reassuring, and he said he'd just be busy with school, homework and partying, but he'd have me down when he could, and I understand that.


So now he's been gone for 3 days and I haven't heard from him, which isn't unusual for us cause we don't text all that much. I did notice though that he added a couple new girls on Facebook he just met at school, and he liked the one girl's profile pic (who's really pretty).


So now I'm a bit concerned, and a part of me thinks our relationship isn't gonna last. I feel like he's gonna find another girl he likes better and dump me, and I don't know how I'd cope with that. I happen to be pretty, I take good care of myself and my body, but he's going to be surrounded by other pretty girls. And he's a very confident guy, but I wouldn't say he's the BEST looking ever, he's decent. He's my first boyfriend and I lost my virginity to him. I've never found another guy I've related so much to, or who I could talk to for hours on end like him, to lose him would be a real shame. I need other people's advice please? Should I be worried or not? What is the likelihood that he'll cheat on me? Thanks so much for the help.


Oh yeah and I guess this is a bit reassuring, but when we were packing he didn't pack his condoms and said he wouldn't be needing those. (He could've packed them when I wasn't there later though, who knows)

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Here's the thing ... he is a young guy who just went off to college and intends to party. Your relationship is relatively new. And he is far away. I am not going to say he's going to cheat but the likelihood of the relationship lasting is pretty low.


BUT do not start connecting your looks to keeping him. That is great you are pretty but men don't stay faithful/committed because of your looks. It attracts and it can be important to maintain attraction, but if he is interested in "sewing wild oats" it does not matter what you look like.


I know that's not the assurance that you want but you are young and you have your whole life ahead of you ... you will have plenty of dating experience. I would just say relax and enjoy things in the moment.

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