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What should I say? i want to be there for her

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ok heres the story, the girl i liked declined to be my date for homecoming because she never had any chemistry for me although she was the one to make the moves on me for 3 weeks, such as asking me out, flirting, you know.


and now she gets screwed over by the guy who she thought they had a thing going on. this guy also has a girlfriend and she knew this. this guy sleeps around with a bunch of girls and gets chased by the police a lot, she also knew this. she hasnt talked to me about anything of this but i sort of know whats going on by uhh overhearing conversations, except she did tell me she likes him but doesnt see themselves dating.


ok should i give her advice like by saying you deserve far more better? or


giving her crap because she declined me like saying i find this ironic?


or both?


also should i re-ask her to go to homecoming with me but this time just as friends?


i just know this situation happened to make something better.

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if i do get involved, is it ok if i tell her this:


look atleast it didnt get any worse. this happened for a reason because you deserve someone far more better. you should look for a different kind of guy who is not so bad or even just go out and enjoy the single life. cheer up babe, there are millions of dudes out there, let love find you. i still find this ironic. lol.

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well im going to write her this because i think i should be there for her:


"look babe, atleast it didnt get any worse. you can look at it this way, this happened for a reason because you deserve someone far more better. as i always say, the past happens so it could be learned from, to make the future better. for now, just enjoy living the single life because this will only heal with time. hang with your friends and forget this, have a good time while we live young. and do not let this crap change you from the person you are. cheer up babe, there are millions of dudes out there, that are trustworthy. hope you had fun at the party last night. ttyl. -chris"


tell me what you think

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I think, don't say anything will be your best choice.


You can write her something saying, "If you want to vent I'm here and I won't tell."


Then just wait for her to respond. Or hang around her and not commenting on the situation, if she asks what you think about it say something like, "I can't really think anything about it other than I'd still take you to homecoming if you want to go with me."


if she does talk about it, try to be there for her, don't comment on the situation since she feels bad enough about it already. If you're able to give her a hug at the end, you can probably tell her, "I'm glad it didn't get any worse," but just leave it at that.


Well, the above is under the assumption that you decided to be nice to her and try to win her over.


If you don't want to be nice to her... ^^: writing a letter telling her it could have been worse and she deserved it due to her actions and her stupidity... will send your friendship down to... the road of no return.

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i sent her a txt message saying this:


"hey sweety, you seem troubled. is everything ok? call me, txt me, or whatever, u can talk to me. i worry for u."


is it ok that i sent her this?


and if she doesnt respond to this, the next time i see her on tuesday, i wont comment on it or bring it up. and if i do go on break with her, ill just ask her how have things been going with her. maybe ill ask her if she wants to come to homecoming along with my friends.


is this the right thing to do? i want to improve the friendship between us and maybe something more.

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