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Fear to the point of sickness


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Every time I want to start a conversation w/ a guy, I get myself so worked up to the point of sickness. Sometimes I even vomit. Pitiful no?


I think there's something wrong w/ me. I just feel extreme fear around guys. I can barely look at em let alone talk to them without becoming a mental case.


Any suggestions?

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Your just nervous that all, I know the way to overcome that is to do it on impulse like myself, I'm proof of that...what i do is I block out outside interference, there is no thinking, no plan of action, just walk up and say "hi" that usually starts you off on the right foot.


After "hi" it's the guys role to continue talking, if he doesn't than you caught him off guard, be patient and wait until he approaches you, than at that point you should have him coming at you.


If that doesn't work out, try picturing the Guy as your best girl friend, and your just walking up to say 'HI'

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Just try to remember that guys are human beings too. There should be nothing to fear. (Unless you saw him on America's Most Wanted or he's an escaped mental patient or something. lol) We guys can get just as nervous when it comes to talking to women too. Believe me. Who knows, the guy that you are nervous about talking to could be just as nervous as you are. Just try to relax and have fun talking to him. You'll be fine.

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The reason you are making yourself sick is that you are putting way too much emphasis on talking to boys. Initially just try and treat them and speak to them as you would with your female friends. I think that practice is the answer, start with a good male friend or even your brother if you have one and then move on to others. You will see it gets easier with practice to the point that you won't even think of it anymore.

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In my opinion, you don't need to gather courage. Doing so would make the situation more hectic, and make it seem like more of a big deal. Relax, and realize that you're only talking to another person. Realize that not every guy you speak to is someone who is considering whether or not they want a relationship with you, so it doesn't matter what they think. If you can relax and be yourself, you won't have to worry about rejection, because if they don't like who you are, then you, if anything, rejected them.

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I know what you are going through. I used to go through the same thing when I was in my early-mid teens. I think it had something to do with social anxiety, but it was specifically geared towards boyfriends or any attention from boys I liked. I remember one time my brand new boyfriend showed up unexpectedly when I was hanging out with a friend, and I got so nervous I had to run to the bathroom and puke. I couldn´t help it. And so it happened many times, with many different boys. It was like my body couldn´t process all the intense teenage emotion or something. I eventually outgrew that when I met a guy I felt really close to, and at ease with.

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ya don't say, i'm going thro that right now. it sucks, except i'm a guy. I can't stare at a girl while she's talking or if i am, i'm always looking down. I don't have much advice i'm just glad that other people gave you some, cause i got to read it. I'm gunna have to find a actually, girl, you is a actually friend, good luck

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