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My girlfriend? Or my best mate?

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A few months ago my best mate started going out with this girl. I didn't know her that well back then but I knew who she was. I didn't hear much of them and presumed them happy together.


About 2 months ago they broke up. Apparently he was a bit of a bastard - keeping her a secret - being generally idiotic. I didn't know this when I found out they'd broken up and it doesn't really matter anyway.


Her and I became friends over MSN and soon met up. I told her how I felt and she said she felt the same - we started going out.


My mate has told me he doesn't have a problem with it, but I still think there's tension between us.


It's really difficult because I feel like i'm torn between my g/f or best mate.


Any advice on what I should do?

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I always stay loyal to my friends, unfortunately a lot don't feel the same way. Friends come and go, just like girls. If you and your friend are exceptional friends then I wouldn't do it.


A couple of friends of mine try dating an x of mine, and actually was the same ex for both of them. One I ended up smacking around on my front yard, because I thought we were tight(there was actually more to the story why he needed to be smacked up). The other, I see him only once a month or two, so it didn't bother me as much because I did not expect that much respect from him. None ever dated her anyway.


I would think eventually you would not want to be friends with him sooner or later after you start dating her. Wouldn't you feel weird if you and your new woman was sitting accross from your friend knowing that he banged your woman before?


Anyway...my best friend betrayed me a few months back...all loyalities invested didn't matter. Could of banged a few of his girlfriends but didn't.


So I say go for it, screw your friend, you never know when you may meet the one.



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it depends on how good of friends you are...... me and my best friend - we'd never do that, we have a lot of plans for after graduating highschool and i believe we'll be friends a LLLLLOOONNNNNNGGGGG time afterwards. In my case - id pick my friend. it all just depends on how good of a friend he is and how long you think that friendship will last. You should sit down and talk to him about it. (hopefully he isnt too "macho" to talk about it)


Hope this helped!

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If he really seems fine with it then why should you have to choose? But if it gets too uncomfortable you have to decide which relationship means more to you. How close are you and your friend? Have you been friends for a long time and can see each other friends for years to come? Have you gone through alot together or have you just known each for a little while? Personally, I would choose my friend since he's been there for me longer. But if he starts acting like a jerk about the situation, you may consider choosing the girl.

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