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I feel like I'm a beast and destined to die alone.


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I've been battling a porn addiction since maybe I was twelve. The irony is that I'm pretty sure by the time I found out it was addictive I was already hooked. It's like there's this beast inside of me just wanting to break out and the fact I've never been good with the ladies doesn't help. In fact I'd say that most of them are repulsed by me even though they'd never show it. I mean they are all the same it's "I've got plans." or "Sorry I've got a boyfriend." Most of the time this is true but honestly when it's not it's just ****ing insulting more then the first.


The worst is when I actually just want to hang out they assume I'm hitting on them I mean my god. It's like I'm condemned to be a starving beast teetering on the borders of sanity and madness. Even when I do get some form of sexual release I don't feel any pleasure at and when I do it doesn't last long and I'm back to wanting more.


All I want is peace just one moment but I know it's never going to happen before I managed to stay away from my addiction which was for a few months I had forgotten what it was like to feel normal again and it was so nice but I fell off the wagon and well you know how that goes. I literally feel like I'm losing my mind sometimes because the gap between my falling and getting back on is so small it's like I've put myself in just the right spot to drive me insane. I'm probably the one guy that would shock a girl by saying "I hate sex."


What really pisses me off is how society celebrates sex it's like dangling a piece of meat in front of me half the time. I hate how they freaking romanticize that **** it's so freaking stupid. I don't know how 50 Shades of Grey got so popular I mean search on Amazon there's no shortage of erotic novels. Now what's really ironic is that I'm a virgin and I probably no more about sex and fetishes and what have you than most people. Now the really worst part is the part of me that just wants to know what it's like to love is intertwined with my lust. The two just keep me in a constant state of loneliness.

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If you're battling porn addiction it's best to see a therapist about it. one of my closest friends partner is currently seeing a therapist about it because it has impacted their relationship disastrously. go seek proffesional help with this.

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I've never actually read it either but I do concure with your synopsis.


Also a strong stance by someone who he him self says he's addicted to porn, not to highlight your issues, but that's pretty judgemental.


50 shades is just a crap literary work. It no more highlights violence toward women than a lot of pornography does. But it's got love and romance mixed in there too.


You're still young. And you should seek treatment for your addiction. It will be very difficult to have any type of relationship with this type of addiction. As for girls your age- they dont know what they want. They are self absorbed. You should work on yourself. Make yourself into a good partner. That's a good start. I would talk to a counselor about your feelings. They run very deep.

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