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What do i do now...?


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Ok heres the situation...I like this girl who is in 3/4 of my classes(im 15, shes 14/15). I talk to her a bit and say hi etc. Recently she has ignorded me a bit and doesn't say hi anymore(btw,I haven't done anything to piss her off). Is this a bad or good thing...?


Next, If I ask her out, what do I say? Do I ask her out to a place or ask you u like to go out with me???How do I ask her out, where do I take her (you can probably tell this is my first time askin a girl out / girlfriend).


The answer... if it is yes what do I say and wht happens next...?? If it is a no what should i say?? I have her in 3/4 of my classes so i will see her everyday knowing she rejected me...If she says no, should i ask her to pretend nothin happened and just to be friends...?





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OK, I don't like the sign that she is ignoring you. But, it might not be so terrible.


What you really need to do is put yourself througha crash course in body langauge. Her body langauge and eyes will tell you how she feels about you. If her body langauge says you will get rejected, then don't ask.


To get a crash course, you might read a book or something on the web. Try:


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I am sure there are more.


So, now you have taken a crash course in body language, she looks interested and you go to talk to her. You say hello and slip into some mundane small talk, joke a bit, flirt, etc. She's smiling or laughing and so are you. Tell her you have a lot fun or enjoy talking with her. See how she reacts, as in does she give you good body language and/or a decent comment. If she does say: "we should do it more" or "more often" or something like that. Still a good reaction, then jst ask, she has already told you yes pretty much.


If she tell you know, accept it without comment, and then act like it never happened. If someone else commenets, just shrug and give an oh well. Her yes or no should not have a huge affect on how you reject, jsut accept it.

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If you get through the rest of the conversation I spell out, ask her to go somewhere. Pick someplace. I am not going to tell you where. You have friends who go places, where do they go. I take women to dinner, and I doubt you will.


Just say "So would you like to go ____________ sometime?" If she says yes, ask when.

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Her and her friend said they were giving nicknames to the whole class. So i got one, but now she doesn't seem to call anyone else by their nickname except me. Is this good or bad if she gives me a nickname? The nickname is ok.. Not the best


Next..before asking her out, would it be a good idea to ask her friend if she likes me? Im thinkin that the friend will prob tell her. If she doesn't like me then, then the nxt day at school she will know i like her and it might create prob, cuz right now were ok friends. It might be hard talkin to her cuz then i know she knows i like her...lol


Some advice plz...

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Don't ask her friend, just read her body language. She will tell you with body language.


Good signs include: Multiple glances; holding your gaze briefly; her head is tilted while looking at you; she looks down to break eye contact before she looks to the side (eyes have contact, then go down, then right or left); her posture changes when you appear so that she appears more alert; she sticks out her chest; she preens when you appear or talk to her (fixes her hair, looks like she is trying to check her appearance, etc.); she smiles at you; she mirrors your posture (you sit next to her, begin with your arms and legs in one position and become more relaxed, and watch her follow and assume the same positions); she licks her lips; she shows you the palms of her hands; she touches you; and/or she puts her hand on her hips.


FYI, very, very few people in this world can lie with their body language. If she gives you good signs, she likes you. Look for two or three good signs and look for them together. These are clusters. If you get multiple clusters, she likes you for sure.

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Ok, today in class i will see, becuz she usually asks me for help. Im gonna try to read the body language.


I talked to her a while back, about her the guy she previously liked...Shes over him now and doesnt talk to him. But when she did like him, she went up and told him.


If this is the case with me she might even tell me, so if she does tell me...What do I do???-just say, ok OR same here OR WHT????

I dont want there to be just silence and i dont wanna say anything that could ruin it...



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If you are at a loss for something to talk about, then do one of two things: end the conversation, you want to end it before she wants it to be over, so early is better than mkaing it last too long; or ask her about something that interests her. If she likes a certain band, show, person, etc. ask abotu the things that interest her. Learn about some of them so you can ask her better questions. For instance, if she loves a certain band, then learn about their music and ask her a question about something. What do the words in a song actually mean? What songs does she like the best? etc. You don't have to agree with her, but listen. And make lots of eye contact when she is actually speaking.

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