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girlfriend smells the back of my neck,but doesn't hug me when I ask her to?lol


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Hi everyone,


I think I should get the ideas of the wonderful people here and maybe see if there's someone who go through similar experience. My gf and I are in a relationship and live together for more than a year now. In bed, when I ask her to hug me, she keeps saying she will only hug me if I don't ask for it. I'm thinking this is her way of trying to be dominant in the relationship and get the upper hand. We've talked about it once and she told me that sometimes she wants to be the dominant one in the relationship, or is that weird? lol. The thing is, when I don't ask her to hug me and just turn my back on her in sleep, she ends up hugging me after all, and randomly sniffs the back of my neck and then sleep with her face buried in there. I wonder how girls can breathe sleeping that way. LMAO. What's your take on this?

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OMGGG I seriously busted out laughing reading the title! hahah.


Anyways, she probably wants the hug to be special. Not asked for. She'll give it to you when she feels it's right.. I guess. Haha. Kinda dramatic.


hehe, sorry if the title is silly. Now that you mention it, you're right, it is amusing. lol! I just can't think of any other way to put it. So anyway, hmm special hug? ah, girls, forever a mystery to me. lol Thanks for your input.

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As for your neck, that may be her specual spot on you she likes. Everyone has it!


Ah, but I can't see how she stays buried her face in there asleep. I tried to do it once but I felt suffocated and had to back away a bit. lol. Anyway, yeah, I agree, maybe it's a special spot...i don't think i have one for her though since I generally like her overall smell and not just a specific spot. Thanks!

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Had a situation similar to this. Girls prefer to be the "little spoon." Maybe something to do with dominance but in my experience girls want to be hugged.


Yes, sometimes I hug her, but I tend to move around a lot at night especially when it's hot, and she ends up disturbed because one minute I'm hugging her, the next, i'm tossing and turning because our bodies can be so hot when pressed up together. We live in a tropical country btw.

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