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These "getting back together" posts have really set me back! GO AWAY!! lol

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Now not only am I still grieving over my year long relationship that ended a month and a half ago, but I attend a school in the middle of nowhere that is extremely boring and depressing. I no longer play football so I have some extra free time on my hands. Lately, I've been thinking about my ex in good ways. This is strange because the end of our relationship was very stressful and i SWEAR she cheated on me at some point in some form or fashion. She even started talking to a new guy after we broke up. I looked at her twitter the other day and i saw that she isnt happy and thinks her life sucks. Ever since then, I've been curious to know what she is talking about. Did her new guy kick her to the curb? Is is family issues? Does she miss me? All of these thoughts have been going through my mind for the past few days. I will never contact her or tweet about her, but i would love to know what is going on.


I've also been reading a lot of the new posts on here about getting back together. The truth is, if i could have the girl i had before the craziness started, id take her back with the quickness, but things have changed. I don't know if we'll ever speak again, but i would love to know if she still thinks about me. You just cant throw away someone that youve been involved with for over a year. I've accepted that it's over and im getting better each day, but my feelings for her havent changed.


Being the dumpee sucks because it seems like the dumper is all happy and living the life, while the dumpee is left sad and lonely thinking about what could have been. I really hope I get over this girl soon. I really need to move on with my life. I'm tired of feeling powerless and heartbroken. I'm a young man. I shouldn't feel this way, right?

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If you were really invested in her emotionally, 1.5 months afterwards is just a short time and it takes longer than that to heal!


Most people take at least 3-6 months after a breakup to feel good again, and if it is a long term relationship or a marriage it can take years.


so just be kind to yourself and recognize it takes time. Try not to dwell on thoughts of her and get out and do things that you enjoy doing and don't try to force yourself to date too soon... When you start to get a spring back in your step and are happy when you wake in the morning, then it is time to date again.


The 'roots' of your feelings were deeply attached in her, and if she ripped them out, it will hurt for awhile and take time to heal and let go... Everyone needs time to work thru those emotions. The head can accept and understand a breakup, but the heart and emotions take a lot longer to adjust.

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Being the dumper can suck too. I walked out on my bf of 2 years because he gave up on us and was ready to cheat on me. I feel like I'm the only one sad and lonely, thinking about what was, could've been or should've been.


I'm dying to know if he misses me...but I guess even if he does, he doesn't miss me enough to do something about it! Does he really love me? Not enough to fight for me.


No one should feel crappy but it's a risk we take because love is well worth it, you gotta admit It will pass with time. You'll meet someone new, fall in love and you won't even remember your ex's last name!

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awww it is understandable to feel this way right now.


I will say, looking at her twitter does not help your healing and neither does reading the getting back together posts.


I have been there, I still am! we search for any kind of answer as to how to get the ex back.


you say you used to play football, maybe start focusing on working out? it will make you feel better, bring back confidence, give you a focus off the ex, and the girls will like what they see


you seem like a really nice guy... you deserve to be with someone who makes you happy.


hope things get better for you, they will get better it is hard to think so right now

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