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Need to break the Ice!!!


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I work with this guy and all of my co-workers say he likes me...We've worked together for quite a few months now and still haven't said much to each other. The problem is we're both very shy. I have no experience in talking to guys either. I've never dated before.


I want to be brave and go up to him but I'm clueless on how to maintain a conversation w/ him....


He's been giving me subtle hints that he likes me such as if he's talking to someone else and I walk by, he gets real quiet. And I've caught him glancing at me several times during work.


I'm just so lost.....please I'm open to any suggestions....any advice would be greatly appreciated ^_^

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Ask him something work-related that's easiest. Or ask him about his weekend, latest movie out..since he likes you, it shouldn't be too hard. At least you know you have a head-start.


also perhaps try looking in the 'conversation tips' forum as well, that might help. I'm not so good at this stuff..usually things just come to me randomly i.e. if I see a guy holding a book I'll ask about it, or ask about his clothes, make a joke, etc. I don't really like to plan it out so much..just go with what feels right. That works for me anyways.


good luck & don't worry about it! He's probably nervous too & will appreciaet you just going up to him so he won't have to

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Dont worry about it if he likes you everything is gonna go alright


I'm a pretty shy guy myself and once it took me all i had to go talk to that girl that i knew had a thing for me, i didn't have that much to say to her but everything went so well because she wanted to talk to me too


I sure thing are gonna go very well because if he likes you he is gonna be very happy to have a chance to talk to you

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