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How can I best handle this situation


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There is this guy back in high school that

my best friend and I used to like and he

was also her first kiss. My best friend and

I had many issues over him and we eventually decided to leave him in the past and stop speaking to him. 4 years on and I hear that he's contacted and they're speaking again on a chat service. She told me this. I don't know how to handle it or feel about it because I still do have feelings for him. What also hurts is that he never, in these 4 years made an effort to contact me, like he has done with her. And now I just don't know how to handle this. She's my best friend and I love her, and yes, their friendship is purely platonic because he already has a girlfriend, but them talking still gets under my skin I have to try really hard to be normal with my best friend, and talking about it to her isn't really an option as we already had this discussion and I told her I'll find a way to get over it. But it's not really working. How can I handle this situation? Please help me, it's eating me up inside

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No she did not do anything sneaky, but lately when she told him why I was upset (about him not making an effort etc), then he asked her for my number, to try and see if he and I could be civil. And she refused to give it to him, saying that she doesn't want highschool drama starting all over again. While she has a point... Did you think it was wrong of her to refuse? Or did she do the right thing by trying to avoid complicating matters?

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Nothing burns more than when you like a guy but he likes your friend instead. You're probably feeling some resentment and jealousy and not realizing it. I say you should get on with your life and don't bother getting involved with this guy. Let him and your friend do their thing and avoid the drama.

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