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I'm just curious, not being very versed in the "flirting"/ "dating" game, are there any general signs, indicators, or whatever, to look for from a girl, as far as whether or not she'd be interested in going out with and/ or being more than friends with you? Granted, I know every person is different, but I'm talking in general, here?

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Yep, there are natural cues that women give off. Tossing their hair, exposing their neck, drawing attention to their lips, giggling, looking at you from the top of their eyes (or side), touching you. These are all instinctual signs that a woman is interested in you - and she does them when she is flirting.


Try this: Watch her when she doesn't know you are around. Then, when you come into the room watch how she acts. If she acts differently than she does with her friends (girls and guys), then she has some sort of feelings for you. If she leaves the room and acts cold, then she doesn't like you. But if she does the above things - and gives you attention, chances are she likes you.

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My tells are touching your arm. Or your knee if we are sitting close together. Or closing the gap, if we are standing up somewhere. And my body will turn directly to yours.


Oh and I will drop lots and lots of hints about things I like to do (hoping you will pick up the hint, it is an activity we can do together).


Supposedly we all touch our hair, I am not sure if I do this.

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No disrespect to the OP or anyone else here, but these kind of questions always make me laugh. Please stop looking for these kind of indicators that a woman is attracted to you. They can all mean a million things other than attraction. And what is a flirty sign for one woman may just be uncomfortableness or normal talking-to-guys behavior for another. All you need to do is look into her eyes when you speak. The attraction (or lack of) is always right there, clear as day in her eyes. It's a sparkle in the eyes that we all give away when we like someone. Get good at spotting that and you'll never need to waste time checking whether she touched her hair, laughed at your joke, brushed your knee accidentally or whatever else is deemed to be a 'tell'. Trust me!

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No disrespect to the OP or anyone else here, but these kind of questions always make me laugh. Please stop looking for these kind of indicators that a woman is attracted to you. They can all mean a million things other than attraction. And what is a flirty sign for one woman may just be uncomfortableness or normal talking-to-guys behavior for another. All you need to do is look into her eyes when you speak. The attraction (or lack of) is always right there, clear as day in her eyes. It's a sparkle in the eyes that we all give away when we like someone. Get good at spotting that and you'll never need to waste time checking whether she touched her hair, laughed at your joke, brushed your knee accidentally or whatever else is deemed to be a 'tell'. Trust me!


Yeah, I guess, I did realize how silly it sounded after I had posted it. I'm just so used to not flirting or drawing interest from girls, that I don't even know how to tell. There's a girl I like a lot right now, and I sort of get the feeling she might be interested in me, too, but I'm worried I might just be reading her wrong, and if I am, I don't want to ruin our current friendship. So, I was just kinda looking to see if there were any little things I could kind of look for to know for sure, yanno? But, I think I'm just going to ask her out and hope for the best. Only problem is, I'm going to have to wait a little while, because I'm currently without a car for the next 2-3 weeks (if not longer), and I can't exactly go out with someone without a car...

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Yeah, just ask her out as a friend as see how it progresses. And by that I don't mean you should actually say "Lets go out as friends". You can just say "let's go out on Saturday" and leave her to wonder whether it's an actual date or not. Since you've already got an established friendship that means you can skip the icebreakers and get straight down to spending time together, where you can then start the transition to being more than friends.


Often you'll hear people say that once you're friends with a woman you'll always be stuck in the friend-zone, but those guys are just useless with women. Simple as that! Being friends first gives you a perfect chance to show her how great you are and build something strong between you without putting the usual dating pressure on either of you at the start.


And your question wasn't silly at all. It's good to look for signs of attraction. I just wanted to divert you away from the usual 'she just touched her hair...did it mean she likes me?' time-wasters and just get down to looking in her eyes and seeing the REAL signs. If you feel she likes you, then go for it!

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Yeah, just ask her out as a friend as see how it progresses. And by that I don't mean you should actually say "Lets go out as friends". You can just say "let's go out on Saturday" and leave her to wonder whether it's an actual date or not.


Heh, nah, I wouldn't say "as friends". She often chitchats with me every week about if I'm doing anything fun, interesting, etc. over the weekend, so next time she does that, I think I'll say "What about you?" (just to make sure she's not already busy; if she is, I'd ask her if she has any plans next weekend), then just ask her if she wants to do something with me.


And your question wasn't silly at all. It's good to look for signs of attraction. I just wanted to divert you away from the usual 'she just touched her hair...did it mean she likes me?' time-wasters and just get down to looking in her eyes and seeing the REAL signs. If you feel she likes you, then go for it!


Yeah, no, I should've said something earlier, but the girl I like isn't the typical cutesy bubbly kind of girl, anyway; much like myself, she's a little snarky and sarcastic (which I mean in a good way), and we both sort of have a "I'm surrounded by stupid/ lazy/ incompetent people" outlook. A couple of times at work, she's sought me out to chitchat, and she's implied at least once that she likes talking to me. I sorta kinda feel like she might like me, but I just don't want to get my hopes up.

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So, if anyone cares at all, I'm praying my car issues will be resolved early next week, and I'm planning to ask her out next Saturday. My only concern is that there's this other guy that might end up swooping in on her before I get my car issues taken care of, but I'm trying not to think about that. Next Saturday is perfect, because she and I work together, but that other guy won't be there at all, so she'll probably hang around me a bit like she usually does. Even though there's a chance she might say no, I'm super excited (it's kind of a "thrill", yanno?), but the wait and the anticipation is killing me right now, heh...

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