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Wrong Direction---


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I missed it somewhere, some place, not viewable to the human eyes, not interpreted through the human brain

I should of threw a spare, in this case, its not viewable through the human face

Its not interpreted through so much space, its not viewable and not easy to replace

this feeling of a waste of space, this feeling of the room closing in, getting smaller and smaller-


Like being trapped inside an elevator, like hopeing and wishing to get off of it alive

I always wish to hear from you late, while im waiting its a matter to survive

Its a matter to get through this period of withdrawal, like a drug I can't let go

I can't keep waiting, yet thats what I do, the time just becomes so slow

like a clock that doesn't work, like a blinde person who needs Gods help to see

I can't go on feeling so hurt

I can't go on feeling so hurt

I can't go on and if I do, Ill hurt myself and also you


Picturing a bridge which is my escape

driving 100 miles, ready to escape


Ready to escape all the pain and agony inside, every thought of you and every fear of death escapes my mind

in my car with the windows down, seat belt off, ready to drown

I drive off the bridge, last thing I see is thoughts running in my head of you and me....

I slam my breaks, but it's to late

this is the outcome of waiting, this is my fate---



I'm bleeding and you can see that I am, yet you stick the knife deeper

I am overwhelmed, and its because of you, i can't even look in the mirror without something to do with you

I thought id be the everything inside of your life

your soul companion, your future, your wife

instead I seem to be just a toy that you like to play with

playing with my life, my dreams, why can't i be the one you want to stay with?

But on second thought, wish you'd go away, but as soon as you do,

I beg you to stay and you cause me to love you again

why can't you stop making my head spin

why can't you accept everything i offer

why don't you choose me instead of her?

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