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For the last few years I have had annoying pain in my jaw. When I eat foods that are hard to chew like steak or hard bread, the annoying pain starts. I describe it as annoying because it isn't painful in an excruciating way, more of an annoyance that I wish would stop. The way I "alleviate" it is by opening my jaw wide and cracking/popping it. Or by rubbing the end of my jaw below my ears. I have told doctors about it and their answer is take ibuprofen. I have done that, but it isn't fixing the problem, it is a way to mask it. But even ibuprofen does not stop this annoying pain from occurring. I don't eat chewy food anymore, but it has gotten to the point that it starts to bug me throughout the day even when I am not eating chewy food. I do have a severe overbite and I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Also, for the longest time I thought it was TMJ but I don't clench or grind my teeth, although my family says I did when I was younger. Anyone have any idea how to fix this problem or what exactly it could be? I don't want to go to the dentist and have them tell me to wear a mouth guard, if grinding is not the issue. I know I don't grind my teeth because I am married and I ask my husband and he says he has never heard me do that before.

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Also, you may not need a mouth guard at all, if you are not grinding. They can tell just by looking at the wear and tear on your teeth, whether you are grinding. They may be able to you muscle relaxers or pain killers to take if you have flare ups.


Also, they can give you info about what to avoid when you have flare ups.

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