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Finally get my chance

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ive posted quite a few times on here about this one girl i know. weve known eachother for about 2 years but didnt see eachother much at all. we talked online but other than bumping into her occasionally at random places we never really hung out. i realized i was in love with her about a year ago. it was right before she left for about 2 months to go to a camp to deal with her anorexia. she said she loved me for the 1st time about a month before she left. i wasnt quite sure what she ment because she was having a really tough time.


i told her i loved her back and she asked me to write to her. i did, i wrote 2 letters for those 2 months while she was gone. when she came back it seemed like she was less attracted to me. about a month after she was back she started dating this one guy. of course i was let down, but he seemed like a nice guy and she had just gotten through a really hard time. all i wanted for her was to be happy. so i tried to be happy for her and i supported her whenever she needed. they were dating for about 1 1/2 months and she kissed another guy while she was drunk. that didnt sit too well with her boyfriend. i gave her all the advice i could because she really wanted to stay with him. i talked to him and her and saved their relationship. then about 2-3 weeks later they broke up while i was away on vacation.


since then its been a little while and i just moved about 2 hours away from her. but i go down every weekend to hang out with friends. my friends want me to come with their group for homecoming so i was going to ask her if she wanted to go with me. i cant dance all that great so im nervous about how the dance is going to go. i was planning on calling her today so if you could answer as soon as possible id appreciate it. but what i want to know is if i should ask her to homecoming. im still in love with her and want to make a great first impression. so should i wait for another date or should i go ahead and ask her

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Its not a good idea to ask her to homecoming. You have given away too much with this girl and you are only going to push her further away. Why would you make a confession that you love her? That shouldnt just be something that you tell a person you dont have some kind of intimacy with (not in the sexual sense), you actions were in vain and now you need to realize that its not necessary to say that in order for her to be interested in you.

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I must say I disagree with that reply.


The advice I stick by is that if it's going to happen, then it's going to happen. If you have just moved 2 hours away from this girl, then surely you have little to lose as friends. It sounds like you've been really good to her, supporting her while dating someone else, but the question you have to ask yourself now is: can you live with never knowing? If I were you, i'd make the best of love and life while they both last..


Best of luck dude..

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i aggree,

You should ask her, you have nothing to loose unless she says no, if that happens she's still your friend.You've seemed to have supported her in some tough situations and im sure she appreciates your kindness and help.What are you waiting for, call her and ask

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