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Whats up with me? Need some advice and some questions answered... Thanks

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This looks long, but it really isn't, its an easy read. Ok. I'm 17 shes 16. Me and her had a thing like for 3 weeks but we never became official. She told me stuff she could never tell any other guy before which was her father is gay. Called me the highlight of her day, but never directly said she liked me, and I didn't either but I kinda got the hint.


We'll the day of us stop talking we were suppose to go on our third date to the movies which was a 11:30am show and she over slept at a friends house and we didn't go. She said she'd make it up to me and then things started to get awkward. Then i had a friend over, and he had my phone when i was in the bathroom and when she asked what we were doing he replied having gay buttsex (offended her) and that made her want to stop talking. I apologized, my friend apologized, and I did everything in my power to try to get her back.


To this day I haven't talked to her much. During school she'd say hi to me when she walked by. We ran into each other at the library and it was awkward. Also just a couple of days ago I was with a friend and his girlfriend at the mall aand her and her friend walked into the same store as us and came up and talked to us. I didn't say anything because they were talking to his girlfriend but as she left she said bye to me.


I have never texted since we stopped talking which was in February, except for one occasion that me and her were going to be at the same party and I didn't want things to get awkward so I texted her "hey" and she never responded. So the next day I said the only reason I texted you was to make things not as awkward so we can have fun, and she replied "Okay, Im not going to be there anymore, got my sisters graduation party, but have fun . Also I followed her on twitter, and she didn't follow me back lol.


Since then the only time we've communicated was at the mall. Now since her, I have talked to two girls. Didn't feel the same about them as I did her. I want to know why I can't seem to get over her like I have with other girls in the past. What makes her so special to me? Should I text her? Or hopefully wait for a text from her which will more than likely never happen? Need some advice and what you think about the whole situation.


(I know Ive asked questions about this situation in the past, but that was like 5-6 months ago)

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She is giving you the cold shoulder. I would ask her out on a date again ( because it sounds like that is what you are really wanting --a relationship instead of a friendship). If she refuses or shows up late/no show then it's time to move on.


Lol I won't ask her on a a date. I'm wondering if i should try texting her or something. I tried moving on and idk why I can't seem to get over her. It p1sses me off.

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Learn to not leave your phone vunerable when your friends are over. I've been on her side of the issue before and it really is a turn-off, so don't let it happen again. I think that you're in pain because you were rejected. Not trying to doubt your emotions, but three dates and a few weeks isn't enough to create a truly loving connection with someone. I guess I could be wrong, but I do know that it would make you more attractive if you got over the feeling of rejection and moved on with your life. Go to the gym, improve your popular appeal with other girls, act more maturely, etc. and maybe she'll end up showing interest again.


The only issue is that her infatuation for you faded; there wasn't really enough time for a deep attraction to develop. I've been in this boat before, and it stinks to have girls that were once showing potential interest lose interest in you, but that doesn't mean they can't become interested again. I know this from experience -- in fact the girl I'm casually dating right now showed interest in me in the past only to have it fade, but then she started to show interest again a week or so ago. Infatuation is something that is easily reattained by changing your behaviors, habits, and or appearance for the better.


Best of luck!

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