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I am really never gonna get into shape :(

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The soreness will go away, if you make exercise a habit, you might even seek out that soreness when it gets harder to feel it (like i do). Starting to workout is quite a shock to a body, your body wants to maintain homeostasis of whatever life you are living, you need to keep breaking that wall each and every time for development.

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Don't think about getting in shape - just do it. Always works for me. Every time I contemplate the thought of exercising, I end up finding a reason not to. The key is, just get up and do some sort of physical activity for a couple minutes, then you'll really be pumped to work out!

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Every time I exercise, I am in SUCH PAIN for the next few days, even if i didnt do anything TOO strenuous, just get my muscles working a little. Well, the next few days I can barely even walk. HOW do people do it!? I know that people obviously CAN do it, but, how long does it take before a body gets used to these exercises? Right now it hurts too much to even leave my house because I have stairs I have to go up and down and I couldnt even get down one stair. Are you just in pain for a long time before you can really exercise a lot ?Gah Im getting discouraged.


Whenever you first start out in the gym or do any completely new regime, it's normal to get extreme soreness.


Here's a few suggestions. If you feel like you're going to be sore the next day, take an ice bath and sit in it for at least 10 minutes. Literally fill your tub with ice and water and sit down. It will burn like hell but you won't sore at all the next day. We used to do this back in my high school football days but we'd have those 55 gallon drums full of ice on the practice field to stand in.


The most common way to get rid of soreness is to just exercise more (specifically running). Your muscles are getting sore from a build up of lactic acid. When you start running, it will initially hurt but your blood will start flowing faster and it will free up the lactic acid build up. Make sure you stretch right after the run. Ibuprofen also helps.


After a week or so you won't be getting as sore after the gym and whatever soreness you have will be manageable.


If you want more information about it just google "DOMS". That's what you're referring to. It stands for (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness).

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Pain/soreness (not injury pain but soreness pain) is normal and makes you stronger. You need to be mentally strong and tough in order to get into shape. You deal with it. Eventually you do sort of get used to it and it's not as intense; I've accepted soreness as normal after a workout. If you are a beginner you will be more sore than usual, a lot more but once you've been working out for 3 months the soreness is still there but less intense. At times I relish the soreness; I actually like it. It means I worked out hard.


The key to not getting sore is to stretch afterwards; stretch a good 10 min after, try stretching while taking a hot shower too. More exercise generally helps with soreness; a light jog etc even when you are sore the next day. You can also drink BCAA's while you work out from GNC etc or The Vitamin Shoppe; it gives you endurance and helps with recovery. Also up your protein intake drastically; always drink a protein drink after intense cardio/lifting and make sure you get a lot of protein; it will help with muscle recovery and help you build muscle which burns fat by itself.


DOMS pain is nothing; pain makes you stronger mentally. It's all about being strong mentally. If you want it bad enough DOMS should not be enough to make you quit. Yeah, I know what DOMS are and know what it feels like to feel soreness sitting on the toilet or getting out of bed. I work out intensely hard btw (HIIT and heavy weights). What doesn't kill you makes you stronger; only the weak give up.


I'm tough so I love pain and I am competitive so I don't let it get to me. It takes mental strength to endure DOMS just as it does to run at 10.0 on the treadmill just as it does to run 3 miles straight. The weak give up. The strong survive. That's why it's called "working" out; because it's work (before and after the workout). Having a toned and fit sexy body takes sweat and pain to earn; nothing in life comes easy.

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I work out at least 5X a week -- two times a week with a trainer who puts me through HELL -- really pushes me. I also run and go to the gym on the other days. I am sore nearly every day, at least to some extent -- something pretty much always hurts. I have gotten so used to it that I barely notice; it's just a part of my life, and it's just muscle soreness -- it's clearly NOT an injury, and I'm not harming myself in any way. The only thing it tends to get in the way of is running; when I've worked out my glutes and quads and try to run the next day, it isn't pretty. I can do it, but it's not fun.


Same here; soreness is a way of life for me. I relish it. I go to bootcamp and really get pushed as well.

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Extreme soreness DOMS where you can barely walk is not that bad; I've had that feeling before. If that is enough to make your quit then it just means you aren't tough mentally. I've had that feeling plenty; soreness where I could barely walk. It's only soreness and not a permanent injury disease. It's ONLY extreme soreness; it's not like you are getting your arm amputated or are suffering from cancer pain or just got cosmetic surgery. It's only soreness, even if it is extreme soreness. Other people deal with it because they are tough mentally.


Some people deal with a lot more than just extreme soreness in order to look good. It all depends on how tough you are. People that can't take it are simply weak minded.

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Wow. Way to be supportive, Jackie.


OP - muscle soreness is part of the game. Keep at it, and with time you may find yourself craving the pain, as strange as that sounds.


If I go to the gym, and I'm not reasonably sore 24 hours later, I'm kind of dissappointed!

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For some reason, only leg day makes me sore. Push through it! Keep getting plenty of protein too.




What you eat in the first hour or so post-workout can affect your DOMS.


And ya, leg day is the worst for soreness, but it feels so good!


After arms & chest, if I can my shirt on/off with relative ease, I haven't done enough.

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what I found worked for me was warming up before any work out, then you do your cardio, weights (4-3 sets of 5-7 reps), then stretch the muscles you used working out again (if you have access to a steam room do this in there, least thats what my P.T recommended). Have a warm shower with a few short cold blasts and follow up with some protien to help the muscles repair.


you'll still ache a bit but once you get into a routine it'll feel better, there is hope for us couch potatoes, just gotta keep at it, maybe even get yourself a work out buddy. Maybe try one of those supplements that give you energy and burn off fat (assuming thats what you mean by get in shape) to help give you that little boost.

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It takes a while to get to more tolerable muscle pain. Just make sure you warm up and stretch after. I've just started working out again recently, and it's always rough the first couple times, but gets more tolerable as you get used to working out more often. My boyfriend works out almost every day and still gets sore the next day.

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I just went extra hard in the gym tonight, and I can already feel in my legs that tomorrow will be rough...and I can't wait.


Dinner: 2 apples, banana, Greek yogurt, hard boiled egg, peanut butter sandwich, 0% milk & casein powder. Plenty of complete protein and an insulin boost to start the repair job overnight.


Time for a hot bath and bed time!


OP - how is your exercise routine going? Starting to feel better post-workout?

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