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So Scared...trying to stay positive...

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Hi everyone,


Like most people on this site, I'm here for some emotional support because I don't know where else to turn.


I've been having tingling sensations in my hands and feet on and off since January 2nd. My doctor didn't seem to think it was anything "serious" and did a bunch of bloodwork that came back completely normal. I have been to the chiropractor who said i've definitely done something to my neck but I didn't get any relief from his treatments. If this was only in my hands, I could see why he would say it's related to my neck...but because it's also happening in my feet, it makes me feel like it's something else.


I went to a neurologist who didn't say much. He did some tests on my hands and said that there was very mild evidence of something but nothing was really jumping out at him so he would send me for two more tests.


After looking these tests on the interent (MRI of head, and an "evoked potential" test) it appears that he's testing me for MS. This is what I've been scared of since January ever since researching these symptoms online. My EPT is on July 24th and my MRI is in September.


I'm just really scared. I know I should just relax and deal with the outcome when we have results, but I can't get it out of my mind. I'm losing sleep and just feeling scared all the time.


Any support would be appreciated. I'm trying not to talk about this too much with friends and family because I don't want anyone to know how scared I am for fear of seeming like I'm over-reacting or something.


Thank you for taking the time to read...






About two years ago I started to get very numb patches in my armpit which eventually spread over the left side of my body. And I freaked out that I had a brain tumour or something (the internet is very easy to scare yourself with), and after blood tests showed nothing I had an MRI and I have a cervical myelitis. And the mildest least scary one (can be a sign of bad things coming). And now everything is pretty much normalised and evened out.


So my advice is that there are a lot of things that go on in that area, and don't try to diagnose off the internet, leave that to the doc. Don't scare yourself more than you need to be.


Thanks Agent,


I have moments where I think "no, this is absolutely nothing terrible. I'm gonna be okay" and then two minutes later I'm scared out of my mind thinking "something is definitely happening here and it's gotta be serious". I know it's not rational and I know that looking on the internet is a BAD idea for so many reasons but I keep doing it anyway. I know tingling and pins/needles can be a sign of so many things...but none of them are "nothing" and it just makes me freak out. I am doing my best to stay off the internet.




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