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Hi -


I hope everyone is well. I haven't posted on here for a while, just wanting a little advice to those who know my story. My ex disappeared on 1st April and I have been NC for 2 months. I am mostly over it, I just couldn't deal with seeing him but aside from that feel ok. I am going to a party on thursday and see from fb that his brother is going. Now as far as I remember they don't go out together at all, but I have no idea what he's told his brother about me, and I guess there's always a tiny chance he might be there as I have him blocked on Fb so wouldn't know if he were going and I don't even want to bring it up and involve my friends to see if he's going........

I've been excited about this party for months, not sure what to say if I see his brother, and definitely wouldn't want to see him.

Advice, please! X

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