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What are my options, with a degree in business...?


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I'm going into my fifth year of taking classes at a community college, and to be honest, I'm tired of school, and I'm tired of working a job I hate (retail). But, I've been unable to figure out what my "calling" is, so I've been drifting around aimlessly, with taking classes. I started off in tech-related fields, as I figured I'm sort of handy with computers, but I've come to realize I can't wrap my head around the more technical stuff, which made it difficult for me to do well in the required classes.


Last year, I switched to a business major, because I wasn't sure what else to switch to at the time, and I had already completed some of the required business classes from my tech majors. If I stick with majoring in business, I could have an associate's degree by next summer, and if I do a degree completion program, I could have a bachelor's degree maybe 1.5 years after that. I think if I try to do anything else at this point, that would probably add at least another year or two on top of that. 2.5 years seems so nice, because like I said, I'm sick of school, and I'm sick of my current job.


Thing is, I'm not really confident about my prospects with a business degree. I don't really see myself as a manager, and I'm not the "corporate" type. Seems like the stereotypical business workplaces are either super demanding, stressful, and taxing, or you have to be kind of a sleazeball to get ahead. Of course, those are just stereotypes you kind of see from the media, so I don't know how true any of that is.


So... what else could I do with a business degree? I figure, it seems general enough (after all, any workplace is "business", right?), but I don't want to get stuck working in a hostile, overly stressful environment, nor do I want to have to become some kind of seedy "salesman", or whatever.


I just don't know what to do. I still feel lost, as ever, in terms of what my "passion" in life really is, but right now, my biggest focus is on finishing school and getting out of retail. I'm miserable where I am now, and I just want out.

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Forgive my ignorance, but I've always wondered, how do non-profit organizations afford to pay employees? Is it something you can make a good living off of?


People make much less than they would at a corporation. They afford to pay employees through their operating budget. Not all organizations can rely on solely volunteers. I know of an org that has a few coordinators that are paid, and then the rest that are volunteers. It just depends on the org. Most people who work for non profit have the mental and emotional benefits of working for a cause they believe in. Yes you can make a good living as far as buying food and paying your normal living expenses, but you definitely won't be making six figures or anything like that at all.

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Hm. I'm still at a loss for what I should do, then. I mean, I'm not expecting to be "making six figures", but I don't want to be "barely getting by", either, especially after all the time it's taken me to get my degree. Not to mention, it would be disappointing to have a degree but only be making about what I'd be making in a lesser job that doesn't require a degree.

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Hm. I'm still at a loss for what I should do, then. I mean, I'm not expecting to be "making six figures", but I don't want to be "barely getting by", either, especially after all the time it's taken me to get my degree. Not to mention, it would be disappointing to have a degree but only be making about what I'd be making in a lesser job that doesn't require a degree.


Just live frugally at no matter what you do.


Also, you can do anything with a business degree. Some employers just like to know you have finished something.


I have seen people with business degrees who are also musicians manage other musicians or just be smarter business-wise about their band, start catering at people's homes because they like to cook and the business degree gives them the bare bones about how to make that business successful. I have seen people in the corporate world, and everything in between. What is your passion? Then the business degree will give you the info you need to make things a success.

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Most everyone I know with a degree does not work in their degree field.


HR directors really only look at degrees as proof you can stick to something and are stable.


Unless you are applying for a job with a highly specialized knowledge base you can pretty much take a basic degree in anything and apply to basically anything else.


So don't think so much inside the box.


Here are some examples of people I know:

Bachelors in Fine Arts, Director of Marketing at Retirement Community

Bachelors in Drug Counciling, Director of Senior Center

Masters Environmental Science, Vice President of Safety for large company

Bachelors in Childhood Development, Director of County Emergency Services

Masters HR, stock broker


I know tons of people who don't do a thing related to their degree. Or what they do is very loosely related.


Being In business is probably a very good general thing to be in.

I might suggest you look into studying up on security, terrorism, etc... This is huge upcoming industry right now. Every company needs people who understand how to keep their employees safe and the company and customers and vendors from being attacked. Not just cyber. Don't let some HR idiot think it just all cyber security. It isn't.

Good luck.

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