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Ok, here's the thing. I'm in college, and just the other day in my math class (I have the class M-W-F) this girl who usually sits somewhere in front of me sat right down next to me, right in the very back of the room. And later that day, as people were going to the front of the room to pick up sheets of graph paper for homework, she got some and gave me some because she said she had gotten too much. That was on monday, and today she sat next to me again. What I think might be going on is that she might like me but may be kind of shy, and offered me the paper as a first step in talking to me. I know I'm probably wrong, but is there hope that she just may have a thing for me?

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Look - I know how it is to be a little shy. Been there, done that. I don't know of too many guys who like rejection.


BUT - dude, you need to just talk. I really think it comes down to a couple of things:


1. Putting your eggs all in one basket (This girl is the be all, end all of something).

2. Confidence


Personally, I think what you need to do is talk to with her and don't put so much pressure on yourself. Just chat with her, see where it goes.


BUT I also think you should talk with other girls. Now, mind you, some people might disagree with me and say you're playing the field, etc...I guess I think you're a bachelor and you're entitled to date a few different ppl at a time.


I think by doing that, you keep your options open, don't focus on solely just one being "the one", and eventually, if a great girl comes out of those that you date, you'll have a bit more confidence in dealing with her because of your experiences.


Good Luck!



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If she sits next to you and is courteous to you then why dont you talk to her. Find out some info about her then be aware of her vitals (meaning does she have a bf, is she dating anyone, etc.) Do not ask these things she will make it known if she is single or attached. Just have a nice convo with her and see what happens.

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