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OK well i dont really dont know how to put this. Well whatever here it goes ok i asked out the girl that i like right and well we went out for a week and well then homecomeing came along i went with her to homecomeing were she broke up with me say that she wasnt ready for a relationship i mean it sucked cause i really really like this person but i just dealt with it i think the reason was also cause she saw her ex b/f there and well she went out wiht him for like 9 months and i know she still really loves her ex despite the way he acts now and the way he acted with her. Well time has went on and its weird she says she doesnt know when she will be ready for a relationship she told me that it could take up to a year or two and i mean i like enough that i am actually willing to wait that long cause i like her so much i just want to be with her. But u think that, that is to long to wait? Well anyways as i go on yea she is depressed right now because none of her friends talk to her anymore cause of different reason i mean they called her a s!ut when she went out with me and i tell her that she has to realize that if they do that and call her that then there not real friends. She seems really streessed out and for some reason she is acting differently now she seems mad at me often but says she isnt, and i dont get it cause im just trying to make things better for her . I mean she knows i love i know she does but i just dont know what to do in the situation seh says she doesnt know what she wants. And to tell u the triutht even though she denys it, it seems like im the cause for most of these problems but then agian i dont know. I talk to her every day at school at night and at night it just so happened that me and her cry i dont really know why i guess im scared of loosing her or not being with her and just of everything thats going on and well for her i think she just crys about everything thats going on. one thing im not going to do though is ask her out this time all leave it to her cause really shes the only one that will know when she is ready to have a relationship so im thinking it would be better if she just did it when she thought the time was right for her. Because i dont want to take the risk of asking her and then she ends up going out with me agian and she breaks up with me agian cause shes not ready. i wish i knew though why she seems to be acting differently with me now cause i dont know its weird but im cool with it and another thing is it seems like she doesnt want to ever tell me whats wrong with her i mean i just want to help her but lately her ansers for everything have usually been her saying "nothing" when i can clearly tell that she just doesnt want to tell me but i dont know this his led me to be very confused.


So tell me what do u all think about this situation what do u think i should do what do u think she should do? And well hopefully things welll end up good in the end.

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I think that girl needs help. I personally think she is keeping something from you. Unless im missing something in your story, I don't see why her friends would call her a ho unless he slept with someon her friends liked, etc. Anyway don't push the dating issue, don't wait around, move on. Always lend an ear because sounds like something is not right with her and is probably going through a tough time. Maybe take her for a hike one weekend to get away from the BS there. Mother nature is a good cure for the blues.


Also don't be crying with her. Stand strongs and be a man. Somebody has to.



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