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Ok need some help from yall

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OK well this post is made for two reasons.


1. This summer I met this amazing girl on a boat cruise, but i didnt really get to know her before the cruise was over. I went back to school (im in gr.11 btw) and saw this new gr.8 girl that looks almost identical to the girl from the boat cruise (the girl on the cruise was gr.11 too). Anyways you can guess what happened from there. First question is how many of you feels itd be totally wrong for me to pursue her??


2. Im usually alright at talking to girls at my age, but theres this mental wall which makes it hard for me to approach this grade 8 girl (i dunt think i need to explain why right?). My question is whats the best way hint to her that I like her (shes also always with her friends and it makes it harder for me to talk to her).


Anyways any advice on how I can approach this would be appreciated.

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i personally don't even like thinkin about freshman (i'm a junior) and sophomores are a little easier to think about, but i think that holding an intellectual conversatoin with a girl is really important, and i don't think most 10th grade girls can do that, let alone an 8th grader. I think that it's a little strange, but i guess whatever u want, maybe u can wait till ur a senior and she's a freshman, it's a little better then.

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If she's in grade 8, doesn't that make her 13?


Seems a little young.


Maybe it's just a little young to fool around. I say if you're interested in getting to know her, go for it. But be careful with the other stuff.


Also, I wouldn't let the fact that she reminded you of that other cruise girl worry you. Now you at least know who you're attracted to -- a lot of people have a 'type.'


Chances are, you'd have been attracted to her before, but the person you met on vacation opened you up to the possibility.


I'd just say hang in there, keep trying, and if she really likes you back, TRUST ME, she will arrange a way for you to approach her.

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Well, i would say it be alright if this was college, and you were after a freshman girl. But i think she would be too young for you. Her maturity level may not be what you want, and her parents may have a problem with her seeing someone thats almost a senior.


I know if i was her dad i'd beat you up if you got close to my 13 year old daughter.


just my opinion- you can ignore it.

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