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This guy is driving me crazy! I have no clue what he thinks

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Ok so i met this guy and he asked for my number. After a few days of waiting i thought he wasnt going to call but then he did 6 days after we met.


Now if a guys interested wouldnt he have called earlier?


When we talked on the phone about school and stuff he said he was taking all these AP classes and that made him really busy. I have a friend that sort of knows him and she also tells me he's a really busy person.


Anyway, i asked him to call me back so i could get his number because i didnt have a pen, he asked when, i said Friday (the next day).


Now its monday and he still hasnt called and im just wondering if suggesting he call me the next day was too soon, and made him think im desperate or something. Also would a guy wait so long to call u back if he really was interested?

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Its not always true that a guy will call right away if hes interested. I've been interested any many girls and not called them right away, and even when I said I call them the next day I would wait till a day or 2 after to call them. Lots of girls spend a lot of time thinking about guys, just as guys spend a lot of time thinking about girls. Girls also sit around waiting for phone calls a lot, and when they don't receive em the tend to think about the guy a lot more, and when you think about someone it just makes you want them more and more. Then when girls receive the call they get all excitied and it is about 10 times better than if he woulda called on time. Now thats not always the case but it does work very well, very often. It also works for me too. If a girl doesn't call me on time and get excitied to see her number on my caller id. It may seem like a game but sometimes to much communication is, well, to much. If maybe busy but everyone has time over the weekend to at least call once, he may be very busy, but I'm not even busy as he sounds and I'm taking 18 hours in college.

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Well, you're just one of the guys that plays the phone game. I can tell you that a quality girl will take only so much of that. Especially when you get older, and you're dating older females, they aren't going to sit around staring at their caller id waiting for the game-playing guy to call. They're going to be out with the guy that has enough confidence to show his interest and who keeps his word and called when he said he would!

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Yes when everyone gets older they won't put up with the phone call games, but look she is only 14. At that age I wouldn't even expect much from a relationship except for a good time. Some people get a little to serious with there relationship at such a young age.


Just because a girl waits around for a phone call doesn't mean she isn't quality, just because a guy doesn't call right away doesn't mean he doesn't have confidence, heck it takes confidence to even get a phone number, and just because I've played the phone game before doesn't mean I'm some kinda game-playing guy. Please watch what you say next time Scout because outta of the four sentences you wrote I took offense to all of em.

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Please watch what you say next time Scout because outta of the four sentences you wrote I took offense to all of em.


Then perhaps you shouldn't be posting on an Internet forum where different opinions are shared. Don't tell people on eNotalone to "watch what they say" if they differ from your viewpoints, or you won't be posting on this site for long.

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It's not your viewpoints in general, its that they were aimed at me. I'm not a game kinda guy and I didn't appreciate your comment. Yes there are many different opinions on this forum but this is a friendly forum to spread advice. I asked you nicely to watch what you say because you offened me, and you replied in a aggersive manner.

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Girls also sit around waiting for phone calls a lot, and when they don't receive em the tend to think about the guy a lot more, and when you think about someone it just makes you want them more and more. Then when girls receive the call they get all excitied and it is about 10 times better than if he woulda called on time. Now thats not always the case but it does work very well, very often. It also works for me too.


Prelude, you may not be a game-playing guy all the time, but in your post you directly state you do play the phone game sometimes, read your last sentence. I responded that those games get old quick with quality girls, and I've been in the dating world much longer than you, I suspect. Plus, I do have the advantage of actually being a female, so I know what gets on our nerves! The fact is, any guy that ever truly liked me didn't play the phone game and call back days after he said he would.


And telling somewhat to "watch what they say" is never going to come accross as nicely put. That's a pretty aggressive thing to say.

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As a guy, here's my guage...


Call same day = might seem needy and/or desperate

Call next day = shows I'm keen. maybe too soon

Call after two days = shows I'm keen and keeping it cool

Call after three days = I would consider myself marginally interested

Longer than 3 days = I don't plan on calling


Hey thanks Scout for your comment about guys and confidence etc... with this girl I've been dating I've wondered if I should have played it a bit more cool with the whole showing interest thing, but you are right. A quality girl doesn't need that crap... just as much as I don't.

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If he said he would call the next day then there is no excuse for him not to call. I also wait about 3-4 days after getting a number to set something up. Almost everytime I do this I actually do get a date planned, even though it seems I have the worse luck at getting rescheduled . Anyways I believe there is a line to be drawn. After you get a relationship or been on a couple of dates phone games need to go out the window.

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