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Erectile Dysfunction - Penile Injections...New Realtionship


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I am a 35 year old guy and am recently divorced. God I hate saying that.


Anyways, it has recently been determined that I will need penile injections the majority of the time to maintain an erection for sustained periods. The good news is these injections give me an erection like a sixteen year-old and I have been told, with the injections I can go for long periods of time and even multiple times in one setting. I have never been able to do this.


So, what do you think? Would this be a real turn-off for a girl in a new relationship? If, I am okay with giving myself the shots, do you think it would be a deal-breaker for the other person?

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I don't think this is something you can generalize. Some people will be totally ok with it while for others it may be a dealbreaker. As you get older this is something that isn't all that uncommon and many people seek help through several methods.


I think open and honest communication with your partner is best.

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I have to ask: did these issues arise at the same time as the divorce?


I had some ED during the last few years of our marriage, nothing that couldn't be solved with a blue pill though. This is not the reason for the spilt. If it is at all related, its because I did not discuss this with my wife as ai often as i should and I became frustrated with the subject and in turn took it out on her emotionally which she did not like. But, there was so many other things that contributed to the D.

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It is what it is, right? I mean, no one's going to say they'd be pleased with this. So you manage it and deal with it.


I'm not a woman obviously, but my advice would be to inject yourself privately in the bathroom prior to intercourse and not say a word about it until afterwards--if and when there's potential for a relationship to develop. The point isn't to deceive anybody but to show that you can have a normal sexual experience and THEN explain it. That way it's more of a "oh, I wouldn't have even known" rather than setting it up as some confessional issue ahead of time. Sometimes our imaginations and anxieties work themselves up into bigger deals than they have to be.

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Isn't sex funny? It doesn't really matter how old we get or how experienced... from time to time it can still make us blush, get embarrassed, etc.


Look - there are two parts to every person. The rational part and the emotional part.


The rational part? I would have zero problem with what you are describing. I mean... who cares? If you can do it, you can do it. It doesn't really matter if you need a shot, a pill or a pair of high heel shoes. What matters is that it IS up and ready for action.


The emotional part is a bit different. Everyone - no matter how confident - is a little insecure. If I'm making out with some dude, I put my hand on/in his pants and he's not hard? Most women are going to think you don't like them/aren't attracted to them. And I mean... it's nice to be "met" with a hard-on and random times sometimes...


I agree with Ms. Darcy. It's fine... as long as you know the context. If you don't know that's what you need... if you are just flaccid without explanation... yeah. It's sad. It's a sad, unhard penis.


I think this is one of those things like baldness. What's hot with baldness? Own it. Shave it. Don't apologize for it. Similarly... I think you just have to be pretty upfront about this when you are dating. Own it. Joke about it (a couple of dates in). Don't apologize for it. Sexiness is alllll about confidence.


But YES - communication is key. Hopefully before her hand hits your pants.


But with context? Not a problem in the least.

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The emotional part is a bit different. Everyone - no matter how confident - is a little insecure. If I'm making out with some dude, I put my hand on/in his pants and he's not hard? Most women are going to think you don't like them/aren't attracted to them. And I mean... it's nice to be "met" with a hard-on and random times sometimes...




I can get a hard-on, just not one that is standing in full speed mast. So, I can show someone I am turned on by them. I think I could get a hard on to penetrate, I just am not certain I can go the full time without going soft. I have not had sex since December due to my divorce.

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