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Hi, I know you guys get this a lot but I'm going to ask anyway. How can you tell if a girl likes you but the two of you have never talked before? I'm 16 and in High School and (you guessed it) there's this beautiful girl in on of my classes, and I want to ask her out but I don't know if she likes me or not. She always gives me glances in the hallway, and in gym, sometimes she smiles at me but not that often. Once, I noticed her talking to a group of her friends, she looked very happy, and then they all turned their heads and looked at me, but she was the only one that seemed happy. Her friends stare at me, and talk about me I think. She's popular, moreso than me, no doubt you have guessed, and I'm probaly not the type of guy people of her status would consider dating material, but I don't know. I can't tell if she likes me or knows I like her and is just messing with me. Thank you in advance for any help.

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ya, she probably thinks ur cute or sumpthin..haha...


But its really hard to tell if someone really likes u...but the best thing to do is smile and wave at her...sometimes. Try striking up a conversation with them, or just get the courage up to walk up to her group and ask...whats up...


If you become friends with the entire group of the girls, it will ease any discomfort you may have with her alone...



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I am sorry to hear that you feel somewhat confused and that you don't really know what to do. I understand that you think this young woman is very cute.


My suggestion is pretty similar to that of cookies'. Talk to her ... introduce yourself and ask her name. Should you need more conversational tips, I would like to invite you to our section with articles containing conversational tips.

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