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Why is it once you stopped chasing them with time men come back ?


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I'm not trying to say all guys are like that, but all the guys I've known even without having a relationship, once they dumped me or lost interest and start ignoring me, when they see I don't keep chasing them after a while they came back.

Sometimes it took a month, sometimes a year, there is no timeframe but eventually with time they came trying to come back into my life sweeter then ever. Or I randomly meet them and they want to catch up and start over.

They all came back, and I'm talking about around the 10 (again, not always in a relationship !)


What's up with that ?


Thanks for your input !

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This is the mystery of the human condition. It's not gender exclusive. Many people want what they can't have, and when they get it they take if for granted.

As blue said, to them the chase is better than the catch. In your case, these men chase you again to see if they can catch you once more. It's a false economy.

Not everyone is like this. Some people see through the bollocks and treat others with respect. You will meet someone like this, unfortunately you will meet plenty of time wasters along the way.


Look at diamonds - they are kept at an artificial high price by the De Beerrs company. Diamonds are a con, pure and simple. They are not even forever.

They can be damaged and destroyed. Yet people buy into this con. 'Diamonds are forever'. 'Diamonds are a girl's best friend'. It's another false economy.

I'm going to marry the girl who says dont buy me me a diamond ring, get me a nice socket wrench set instead. The true value is the same.


A good thing is that you know there are time wasters out there. Unfortunately, unlike diamonds, you have to get to know them first to find out. But with time and experience you can weed them out.

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Those are the people that want what they cant have and when they have it they no longer want it, but once theyve not got it anymore they want it back. You need to let those people go out of your life and find someone who already knows what theyve got!


My ex is a want what they cant have kind of man, i suppose he will be back at some point in the future, itll be when he's bored with this new girl and he's seen ive moved on, im tired of the time wasters but youve gotta go through alot of them to find a nice guy.


It also doesnt just apply to men, it applys to both genders, everyone wants what they cant have but some people know how to be happy and appreciate what theyve already got.

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