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Exx is crazy and making me!

Sad Boy

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Im a guy 18, this is my first love and i was hers too

We were like so sincere in our relationship, she loves me so much

until one day we broke up because i told her not to talk with a guy (as he was really bad and commenting on her in absence)


so she took it negatively that i feeling jealous about their friendship

she got the new problems with my age(Im 6days younger), she want more earning person, she hopes that she would get a better guy! but she never wants to loose me like having in option(!!!!!!!!!!!)


I got to know that she changed a lot

She was shy girl who is afraid to talk to boys and all that(i insisted her to talk few guys and be normal)


after our break she was like flirting every other and inviting a guy(not the same)

when her parents are not there

askiing out 3-4 guys for a movie

texting with 7 other guys

she calls me idiot with her best friend(even her best friend dosent like her calling me that way!)

what the hell


how can she change so horribly

she hates makeup and stuff(i love her naturally)

but now she cant live with out make up



She wants to be friends with me and im pissed of with her changes and i asked about evrything she doing she tried to give some explanation and tried to point my my mistake(even there are none!! )


she said she hates mee!!


I dont w


but she still keeps calling me back


Ahd moreover this her sister who feels that im the right match for her really wants to help and change her dirty attitude and i told her about our recent fight and

she asked me

1. concentrate get more marks than her in final exams

2.not to respond for 20days(until exams are over) and just forget her for few days

and told that my ex is

1.confused about what to do

2.obsessed with new changes

3.but has some love for me hidden



Im cryin evry night as she really hurt me, i cant bear the pain, i cant do anything



1.Should trust her sister and follow her advice

2.Tell me anything else that i can get her back, i really love her so much, whatever she says about me

I just want her back

3. Are there any girls going through the same phase like my ex and can become normal( it might be just attraction to guys to talk and chat with them), i mean is there any chances that will be throught this

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You are 18. You're at an age where people change partners as often as they change shoes. Move on and have some fun with life. Go NC and heal. And who knows, she may come around. Most likely not though, so NC will help you heal.

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Your ex is very, very immature and likely not all there. Could just be the immaturity, but who knows. Regardless, she doesn't seem like a very nice person to be doing this, and she was likely like this all along, whether it manifested itself or not.


Consider yourself lucky to be free of her.

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