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survey, need some feedback!

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I'm a little afraid to post in this section, but this is my stomping ground right now so why not?


In your experience, how often does someone come around who's genuinely crazy about you? Or how many times have you been genuinely crazy about someone? You know, that kind of instant connection when you just KNOW you want to be with them.


And I'm gonna go ahead and throw this out there: cheaters, abusers, and others of a less than savory nature don't count. Cuz come on, the only one they were crazy about was themselves...


So let me know what y'all think!

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come on guys, i'd really like your input. I've been hearing all over that "those kind of guys don't come around that often" when referring to one who is, right from the get go, sweet and affectionate and head over heels for a girl. so i guess its a question of slowly building affection for someone vs BAM, being slapped in the face by it!


ps thanks for the input rahulrocks

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