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Anxiety issues?

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In an attempt to work out some of my personal issues, I've been examining them and trying to figure out exactly how to overcome them. I believe one such issue is some kind of anxiety problem. At least, that's the only way I can really think to describe it. Basically, I tend to let myself get upset and "psyched out" all the time. No matter what I'm doing, I can't stop thinking about the negative possibilities. This ranges from stuff that could happen very soon to stuff that could happen much later on in the day. Usually, it's not even big deal stuff; it's often little stuff that seems so silly to get upset over to begin with (such as potentially embarrassing situations).


It's not something that necessarily prevents me from focusing on what I'm doing, or anything like that, but it all just constantly sits in the back of my mind and builds up. Often times, it causes me to get an upset stomach, which in turn, is something else that causes me anxiety.


Now, I don't have "panic attacks", or anything like that, but I really feel like my anxiety holds me back from acting on many things, and from actually "taking risks" and moving forward with my life. Right now, I'm unhappy with a lot of things in my life (though the anxiety issues are something that's plagued me much longer, probably my entire life), and I want change, but my anxiety issues are making it very difficult for me to actually make and bring about the changes I want in my life.


So, I seem to know what my problem is (or, at least, one of them), but I'm not really sure how to remedy this. Like I said, this is something that's kinda been plaguing me for a long, long time.

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Something I do (by the way I call this horror fantasizing) is when I can feel myself hold tension in my body I check in with what I'm thinking about. When I notice I'm thinking about things that are upsetting me and made up, I focus on making up nice stories. Or directing my thoughts else where. I don't beat myself up about it, I just try to change the way I'm thinking and put energy into focusing my thoughts on things that aren't a made up fantasy that is making me uncomfortable.

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