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girls...Which is more memorable?


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I have a question that I need to ask the girls of this forum. Which stays more important to you and in your memory the longest: Your first sexual experience...or your best experience?


I am a virgin and my girlfriend is not. We will be getting married very soon because it's obvious we are soulmates. She says that sexuality is a whole new world, when real love is involved and I believe her. One of my friends told me otherwise. He claims that all girls, will remember their first time, reguardless of whatever happens in their lives' or relationships, down the road. Is this true?

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I personally remember my best experience because the first time wasn't that great, it was like "first time was ok, but I sure hope the next time's better." Practice makes perfect and nothing beats practice with someone you feel is your committed soulmate. Don't get disheartened if the first time's not that great, (it may be absolutely fantastic- one never knows what to expect) but look more forward to getting better with practice and experience with your committed partner. It's truly an artform and with all artforms it takes patience, love, and understanding to learn how to make the art better.


Best wishes!!

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thanks girls. I know that when I sleep with her for the first time, it will be unbelievable. I guess insecurities are telling me that since it's not her first time, it won't be as important to her, as it is to me.


But in all honesty, I could care less how it is for me...I just don't want to disappoint her and will do anything to ensure she is satisfied, both physically and emotionally.

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Of course we remember our first experiences, but very rarely are they the best or most important.


I began having sex at 15, but as far as I'm concerned, none of it counted until I met my current boyfriend. Why? Because I love him, beyond all measure, and not only is our sex the best I've ever had, but it means the most--by far.

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I find your responses very reasuring...


It makes sense that someone will always remember things in their life. She told me she desperately regrets losing her virginity and would like to wait until we're married...I totally respect her wishes, although it's very difficult, at times, to wait. She told me those experiences were worthless because she felt no love in the relationship...basically because it was the result of an ultimatum (have sex or we're through).


It makes me sad, because manipulation is never the right way to treat a girl. I've known her for years, but have been with her for the past 9 months. I've never seen such a positive change in a person. She is so happy now, like I or her friends have never seen before. I can't help but pray, that memories of me will be different from those past...


It's just hard when I know she runs into him every now and then, and after using her and then ditching her, all he can do is smile. And if that isn't difficult enough for her, she has jealous me to deal with. Although I've never gotten mad, blamed her or anything, I am still honest with my feelings about it.

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In my opinion, I think that most girls remember their first time, I know that I do. But just because they remember it doesn't mean that they will nessisaily dwell on it and be happy about it and like the guy that it was with. The guy that I lost mine to I HATE and do not even like to think about him. And it hasn't ruined anything that I have done with my current bf. The sex that I have with him is very sentimental and I love him!

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Just wanted to expound on my earlier post (after reading some subsequent ones): I also don't spend a lot of time thinking about my first time, unless someone or something (such as this post) reminds me. In all ways, the first time I made love with my current boyfriend was a much, much more significant moment in my life than the first time I actually had intercourse.

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I didn't realize this until now, but I can't recall any actual details about my first time. I remember who it was with (because I've only been with two guys) and where it was. But aside from that, I can only remember that I didn't enjoy it and that it was very painful.


I do, however, remember every little detail of my best sexual encounters (meaning every sexual act I've performed with my boyfriend, who is a wonderful man!). So I suppose mood, setting, and poeple really determine what is most memorable. My ex, whom I had my first time with, was no good. My current boyfriend is amazing in bed as well as every other aspect of our life together. So... there you have it.

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Every answer I've seen here has been glorious. I know now, that I was making a big deal out of nothing...and I should quit dwelling/worrying.


I was with her again last night. She told me that she considers it a sign that every single experience before me was very painful and uncomfortable. She also said that I was the first that ever made physical love, a pleasurable experience. That meant alot to me. And come to think about it, she's made me forget anything I've ever done with any girl.


You've all been helpful...more than you'll ever know. It's nice to hear prespectives from others, because I know it's undiluted truth. But in helping me out, you're actually making a relationship (of 2 people you'll never know), that much stronger. Thank you.

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What she said REALLY is a very big thing. I think that it shows how good of a match the two of you can be, and that she has a great appreciation for your relationship, including outside the bedroom. Whatever you're doing, you're doing it right! Bravo! Keep it up! (no pun intended!!!!!!!!!!! )

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I can see your concerns. However, don't worry.


Sex is sex. It is those special moments, the intimacy that makes it worth it. You may remember the first time you drove, but I bet it wasn't your favoriite time. Now you look back and remember the view once the difficulty and novelty is over.


You are what she wants. Afterall, no one gets married for sex. She wants it to be special for you and she wants to be all yours.


Good luck on your marriage!

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