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Seeing an old flame again...


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So last Sunday I was at my cousin’s son’s christening party and my cousin’s husband’s friend was there, we all used to hang out all the time a couple of years back, but people’s lives change and we’ve all seemed to go our separate ways since then. So me and my cousin’s husband’s friend, we’ll call him John we’re very close at one time, we even went away together twice (as friends only, it was a group of us). I did make out with him on occasion but it never went any further, and this is going back about 8 years ago. When John first met me he was interested in me, I liked him too so we hung out a couple of times but at the time I was also seeing someone and it ended up getting serious with the other guy, so I had to end it with John and unfortunately he ended up finding that out from my cousin instead of me. But he moved on from that and like I said we even went away together twice after that, and we were good.


So when I saw him last Sunday I thought he looked good, and kind of wondered what would happen if we got together again. So I told my cousin’s husband that I was kind of interested in John, so he went over told him something to the affect of me thinking he looked good, he apparently responded to him saying “thanks, good to know”, and then called my cousin’s husband the next day and told him he thought I looked good too, and asked him for my number. Now even when we were hanging out years back, he never called me or texted me, he would always make plans with me through my cousins husband…I know that’s extremely weird, but he is very socially awkward. So when my cousin’s husband asked me if he could give him my number I said “yes, but he’s not gonna call, we did this 8 years ago, he didn’t call me then, he’s not gonna call me now” my cousin’s husband responded with “well people change”….So my cousin’s husband gave him my number Monday night, its now Thursday night, pretty sure he’s not gonna call or text, he might again attempt to make plans through my cousin’s husband, but I feel like its 8 years later, this guy is approaching 40 its time to snap out of the shyness….am I wrong here? If he does attempt to make plans through my cousin again, how should I handle it?


Btw I did say hello to him at the party he gave me a big hug and we spoke for about 10 minutes. We didn’t say good night to each other because for whatever reason he left early, and I was with a group of people at the time, he doesn’t like crowds so I know that’s why he didn’t come over to me to say good night…like I said this is an extremely socially awkward guy.

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I agree that he should be over his shyness by now and that it's immature to make plans via your cousin's husband. It seems that he may be interested, but I wouldn't invest any time into considering what you should and shouldn't do when or if he contacts you.


If he does reach out, you'll be pleasantly surprised and there's no pressure. Pretty simply stuff.

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