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I have sent many posts about my crush on my friend, and everyting is going pretty well, we are not together in a relationship and she doesn't know that I like her. The problem is, is that when I am alone with her (which is all the time) i don't know what to talk to her about or what to say, and I think she gets bored sometimes because we don't say anything to each other we are just silent. So my question is, do you have any ideas of what i can talk to her about when we are together cause I never know what to say.


Oh yeah, i am a girl and my friend is a girl as well.

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what did you used to talk about with her?, i like one of my friends, but i can't say anything to him, because he hasnt said he was gay. Just talk about anything, act as if you dont like her, even if you do, dont act all different just because you now have a crush on her. Have you noticed anything about her that might imply she is gay?, if not, there is no reason to stop being her friend. If you really like her though, you should just tell her, you dont know how she will react. If you two have known each other long enough, she will still be your friend, She might even get curious sometime, and try something with you, its happened to my lesbian friend before. Just dont be any different, if you like to be her friend, be her friend, if you want to date her, just ask, no big deal, if she says no, just tell her to forget about it, and act as if it never happened.

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talk about anything! talk about what you did last night or your fav shows on tv or fav books and why you like them, or talk about what your interested in and ask what she's interested in and why and ask her what she knows about the subject. Like say it was astrology, ask her what her sign is and what your sign is (even if you already know) and then ask her what characteristics about your sign are and what hers are, etc, etc....


ask her what she did last night or if she's going out tonight or if she has any animals, etc


just talk about anything at all, don't hold back


good luck girl!

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